Zodiac signs Well
Monthly Horoscope for Libra

November 2021 Libra Horoscope

Scorpio season has never felt so "scorpio-y." With a stellium happening in the sign through the first few weeks, Mars, Mercury and the Sun all have a strong need to dive deep into the places where most feel uncomfortable going. This can feel uncomfortable at first, but it also fast-tracks much of the development needed at this time. All this action happens in your 2nd house, so your finances and resources will likely be a big focus this month. While this can point at some challenges in managing your gains, getting through it will serve as a testament to your skill to balance and mitigate.

Even though quite a few bumpy transits are happening this month, the good news is that they are the last of a cycle that won't happen again in the next 200+ years. With that in mind, know that this is the final stretch of this metamorphosis. Mars will be squaring Saturn for the last time this year in your 2nd and 5th house. This can cause some unwanted pauses in the flow of activity and child-like wonder. Focusing on healing 2nd house matters can often make life a little dull, so the challenge here is to find excitement in the little things in life. You will likely have to embody martian qualities, which can make for a go-go-go vibe. Remembering to take breaks is crucial here, even if it's a break to go out and look at nature for a second. You will need some fresh air and simplicity during these times. Try your best to connect with your inner child, and this process will become much more manageable. The innocence that comes with that attitude will open your eyes to the fact that life is just a game, and we shouldn't take it so seriously sometimes.

The New Moon this month will also be opposing Uranus in your 8th house. This new cycle urges you to make decisions on what you have to let go of. This is a time for the release of old attachments, especially regarding other people. This lunation urges you to find your sense of independence as nothing in this world is permanent. This is not time to mourn what was in the past, as life's primary purpose is to disassemble the old for the birth of new things. If you refuse to let go, you will be creating a blockage in your flow of abundance. Don't let that happen. Even if what the Universe is asking you to let go of is extremely painful, know that there is an ultimate purpose that goes beyond yours and anyone's understanding. You may not see why at the moment, but soon enough, it will all be revealed to you. With Saturn having such a strong presence this year, take a lesson from the slowest visible planet, and exercise patience, because good things take time to manifest.

The Gemini Full Moon this month is quite unique as it is the end of a long eclipse cycle we have all been waiting for. This lunar EclipseEclipse will be happening in your 9th house, and it will help solidify your sense of faith and higher knowledge. This is a time of great clarity, and you may almost feel like you have an eagle eye to see all the flaws of both yourself and the world. Don't let yourself be afraid of this process, as this is a blessing in disguise. You are getting massive downloads on how to make your life and others a better experience. With it happening in Gemini, you will be able to synthesize even the most contrasting beliefs, which will allow you to see beyond the binary. It will give you the opportunity to assemble a new faith system for yourself that embodies all the lessons learnt from the challenges of both 2020 and 2021. Coming out the other end of this transit will transform you into an unbeatable warrior with an unshakable sense of certainty and vigour.

A trine between Venus and Uranus, who are transiting your 4th and 8th house, respectively, also supports this ecliptical transmutation. Venus helps Uranus bring positive change into this new cycle coming up. Your home will likely be a sacred space at this time that will help you get comfortable with all the changes happening both internally and externally. Take the time to redecorate and get rid of trash around the house that doesn't serve you anymore. It's essential to create a clean slate for the new month and new year coming up. There's also a chance that assistance could come from unexpected places, so be open to charitable actions during this time.

Despite November being a clearly challenging month, it ends on quite a positive note with a Mercury cazimi happening in the Jupiter ruled sign of Sagittarius. This will be happening in your 3rd house of communication and learning. A Sagittarian Mercury enables us to learn fast and with unprecedented ease. There's nothing that can stop Mercury as it is supported by both the Sun and the sign of philosophy and faith. This is a real breath of fresh air in such a tumultuous month. Take advantage of it to read, especially anything that will give you actionable instructions on making your life better. Absorb all the information, and you will be setting yourself up for success in the coming month.

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♎ Horoscopes for Libra

Monthly Horoscope for Libra Zodiac signs Well

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