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Monthly Horoscope for Gemini

October 2021 Gemini Horoscope

This is a special month for you, Gemini. The twins will have heavy influence from their closest friend or loved one, Libra. Libra and Gemini are a tale as old as time, and when the two mingle, it sets for an exciting and beautiful time for the Twins. This is also a time of intense communication for Gemini, and grand ideas and theories will come out of the twins almost constantly. The balanced nature from Libra will also allow the Twins to do something they usually don’t, and that is get along. When these two Twins are on the same page, it becomes a beautiful world for those who have the pleasure to meet a Gemini.

Gemini, thank your friend Libra for making you a balanced and kind person when you find the times difficult. Whichever individual they take hold in your life, know that a little part of you is created by them.

The majestic feminine influence of Venus will make its way towards freedom-seeking Sagittarius on the 7th. For Gemini, this means a desire to break free and explore the universe around them. Sagittarius is a sign that enjoys their freedom, so when Gemini gains their influence, they too will seek endless boundaries and corners. What fascinates the Gemini the most is stimulation. Stimulation that can be changed and new every time will gain the attention of Gemini and it’s curiosity as well. Finding balance will also be a yearning for Gemini, and that combined with stimulation will have the twins seeking a significant other. The Twins enjoy dabbling in love but find it difficult to find the security in consistency. Geminis are fickle and require a sense of boundless freedom or else they get extremely lonely. When Venus influences Gemini to love, and Sagittarius influences Gemini to be free, the Twins will use the balance of Libra to find exactly what they are searching for. This would require the person they find to be ever-changing and extremely open-minded. The person who takes on Gemini will be fighting for two people in one, with both twins being very differently in personality. However, October is going to bring the common ground to the Twins, and make it a little bit easier for the special someone that enters their life. Also, Gemini, remember to remain optimistic. You are a certain realist and it shows, but right now is the time to dabble in fantasy and daydreaming.

Jupiter, the planet of grandiose ideas and at times destruction, will begin to move forward on the 18th of October, causing the Twins to become incredibly successful when they take on new endeavors. Jupiter can bring success to the zodiacs and allow them to accomplish their dreams. Right now, Gemini desires love the most, and their dream could be set around a certain person. It’s alright to want your significant other to be the main accomplishment of your life, but it shouldn’t take over Gemini’s mind. Gemini can be a little obsessive, and their nature stems from endless curiosity and fascination. Basing your success off your romantic accomplishments will not work out well for Gemini in the long run. Gemini is incredibly romantic and will focus their attention on their lover whenever the relationship is first beginning to form, but this can cause severe distractions from the realities that surround the Twins. Whenever love enters the door, everything else goes out the window. Gemini, use the balance of Libra to remember that the success you feel should not fully attribute to your recent romance. You have succeeded in other aspects of your life and it’s time to give those accomplishments acknowledgment.

Mercury, your ruling planet will begin to transcend forward instead of the backwards motion of the past months. This means that Geminis's communicative senses will return to a state of normality and become stable and concentrated. When Mercury goes into retrograde, it brings an unstoppable force in the way society communicates. For Gemini, it closes them in. You’ve managed to make this mystery lover incredibly smitten with you in a state of retrograde, and I can only imagine how they’d feel about you when you’re at your best. They will find your speaking eloquent, sophisticated, intelligent, and if you find your interest with a Libra or Aquarius, you will feel the same way about their words.

Gemini, you are a romantic and idealized zodiac that finds passion everywhere their soul travels. You enjoy the flirtatious beginnings that new relationships bring. The Last Quarter Moon will rise on the 28th and will allow you to reflect on your newfound friendship. Remember to focus on every aspect of your life, for love can be a huge distraction for the Twins. Use Libra’s influence to balance your priorities and all of your endeavors will do well.

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♊ Horoscopes for Gemini

Monthly Horoscope for Gemini Zodiac signs Well

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