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Monthly Horoscope for Gemini

September 2021 Gemini Horoscope

September is quite the month. The Universe seems to be trying to teach the whole world a lesson that will fast forward the collective's evolution process. There may be a few unexpected challenges, but countless rewards wait at the end of the month if we are willing to take them head-on.

The month starts with Mars and Neptune in opposition in your 4th and 10th house. This transit brings attention to your career aspirations and how your idea of comfort. At this time, you are invited to take risks and be unafraid to go after any plans involving your career that you may have neglected, thinking it too farfetched. This is the transit of dreams coming true for you, but you must first exercise your faith. Neptune in the 10th makes for somewhat lofty aspirations towards one's career, but Mars' involvement provides the energy necessary for success. There's also a high chance that the women in your life may play a crucial role in elevating your sense of what is possible. Listen to your intuition at this time and move fearlessly.

Two points in the Moon's orbit will also be conjunct through the first few days of the month. Lilith and the North Node will be in your 1st house, making this quite a significant transit for you. Lilith speaks of the parts of ourselves that are repressed and that we sometimes may even be ashamed of. With the Dark Moon in your 1st house, there may be some issues with feeling inadequate. Impostor Syndrome is a very real possibility, and that could be impeding you from moving forward. These feelings of ineptitude may be a reflection of your environment and a hint from the Universe that you may have to make some moves. Pay close attention if the people around you are nurturing or hindering you. Especially now, you want to build relationships that will help you achieve your financial goals, more than ever. Another manifestation of this transit could also be a need to address self-deprecative behaviour. If you are one of those Gemini who tends to make fun of themselves to make others laugh, this could be getting to a point where you actually believe these jokes. If you wouldn't say something to your best friend, then don't say it to yourself either.

Lilith is also part of a Grand-Trine happening in all the air signs. This is especially important for you as Gemini is an air-sign itself. Mercury and Saturn will be the other points in this trine, urging you to make learning new skills a more focal point in your life at the moment. The collection of more profound wisdom will be an excellent way to harness more boundless confidence in your self-starting capability. Don't be afraid to go big, as you are the only person who can set your own limitations. There's a vast world of possibilities waiting for you, but as long as you don't make the first move, they will remain only possibilities. With Mercury transiting your 5th house, you may feel inclined to party and have fun. If you learn to synthesize these energies with Saturn's diligence, the learning process will become comfortable and enjoyable. There's really no need to stress out right now. Just believe.

The New Moon of the month happens in your 4th house, and it will be trine with Uranus in your 12th. This lunation has the potential to trigger some changes in your home. Especially with Uranus's influence getting in the mix, you're invited to make some changes in your immediate environment. Cleaning, organizing and rearranging will be extremely beneficial as they will bring your inner state outwards. If your environment changes, you will change with it, so make adjustments for the better. There's no need to move to a different home altogether—even though there's a possibility of that happening. Even the addition of a few plants or getting a new pet will enliven your day to day with the vibrance of contemporary life. 12th house also deals with seclusion, and Uranus transiting in through might get you in the mood to burn some bridges. Be cautious and rational as you don't want to abandon relationships that may just need a little extra work.

The Piscean Full Moon in your 10th house will turn you into a hardcore daydream. Focusing on the task at hand may be challenging, especially with Neptune's co-presence in your 10th house. Yet, fantasizing may be just what you need at this moment. It's okay to drop your responsibilities for a day or two. This Full Moon will open your eyes to a new definition of what is possible. It will plant the seed of inspiration within you and challenge you to be bold in your quest for your happy ending. If any responsibilities cannot be avoided, take the time to meditate at this time; that way, you can get the best of both worlds.

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♊ Horoscopes for Gemini

Monthly Horoscope for Gemini Zodiac signs Well

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