
Work Horoscope 2021 for Scorpio

2021 🐮 Horoscope

Work 2021 Scorpio

Work Horoscope 2021 Scorpio

Horoscope 2021 for Scorpio Love Horoscope 2021 Scorpio Money Horoscope 2021 Scorpio Health Horoscope 2021 Scorpio

You’ve been working your fingers (claws?) to the bone for a while now, Scorpio. That’s because you’re a good person and want to do good work. Admirable traits all around, no question. We’d never suggest that it’s time for you to put an end to that, but 2021 is the year in which you can alter your trajectory just a bit. That can mean many things, but fear not: we’re going to spell out the changes and alterations in your working life that you should put in place for the year to come. Read on.

You're going to start by going overtime in January. We know: that sounds contradictory to what we said earlier. What about all that taking time for myself stuff? Well, you need a baseline for the year and this is where you generate that. Pull in as much extra work as you can manage, Scorpio. Take on extra projects. Take on an extra job if you can with some sort of side hustle. In addition to banking some money, this experience is going to make you appreciate the rest of the year that much more. Put a hard stop on all of that extra effort after the 31st.

February is the time for some time off. In fact, you’re going to request some vacation time soon. See if you can sneak out a little early on Fridays. And more than anything: just slow down a little. This is the cooling down period after ages - years! - of working yourself to death. We’re guessing that the thought of this might give you a little bit of anxiety. What happens when you don’t have your brain filled with work stuff? Will fear take over? It’s okay to stumble on your way to vacation. After all, you have a lot of momentum in you. Take some time and do your best version of chilling.

You’ll pick up your work pace again in the spring, but hopefully a little bit of a changed perspective. Perhaps you can start balancing it out a bit more? Not going quite so full tilt as before? Whatever direction you go in, it’s time for some changes. Your work life has had one flavor to it for a while and you’re about ready to switch that up. Perhaps it’s time to think of a radically different direction? Even if you enjoy your work, we’re going to ask to just consider what some other options for you could be. You know the saying: you should always be on the lookout for your next job. More than anything, you need the mental exercise of picturing yourself in a different environment and seeing if there’s anything from there you’d like to bring to where you are now. Perhaps it’s time for some small switches for now? Keep at this exercise through the end of the year. By October you’re going to have some strong revelations as to what you’ve been missing all this time.

All work and no play make Scorpio a dull….. Scorpion? You get the idea: you’ve needed some balance in your work life for a while now. 2021 is the time you finally make some shifts in your behavior and attitudes to make that balance happen. We’re guessing that December will surprise you with a reduction in physical ailments and a better sense of well being, all from getting that work-life balance figured out. And even if you don’t have it all figured out, you’ll be in much better shape than you were a year previously.

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