Zodiac signs Well
Monthly Horoscope for Gemini

August 2021 Gemini Horoscope

It is an excellent time to be a Gemini. With the Sun and Mercury conjunction that closed the last month in your 3rd house, your ability to communicate and retain information is sharper than ever. Your ruling planet Mercury is blessing you with the ability to convince anyone to help you do what you want. Expressing your opinions will come so easy that you may end up on a leadership role in a family trip, a summer camping adventure, or even in your workplace. Creativity is the central focus of this month as you share all the ideas you have on how to make the routine aspects of life less dull and more exciting. Those around you will be lucky this month, as boredom and you are complete strangers for all of August.

Mars will be entering your 4th house on August 7th, bringing the red planet’s vigor into your home situation. Since this is happening in Virgo, you may find yourself rearranging and redecorating as you might feel uncomfortable dwelling in any still energy within your household. There is a chance you could be irritated with your current living situation if it is not up to your standards. Especially if you live with a partner or a roommate, messiness may be the source of many arguments. You want your home to reflect your inner self: clean, fun and inviting. Anyone who disrupts this order will get the sharp and assertive side of Gemini. That being said, it is also essential to be mindful of other’s space. If you share your home with somebody, they should have as much a say on how the place should feel and look like as you do. Respecting each other’s differences is vital if we want to indeed be comfortable. Redecorating and cleaning up will do nothing if there is tension between the people living in the space. On the other hand, if you live by yourself, go crazy. Who’s stopping you?

Mars’ influence is not limited to your home, though.

Since September of last year, the Lunar North Node has started transiting through your first house. This is an 18-month long transit that shifts your projects’ primary focus and decisions to your identity, body, and spirit. This transit is excellent for self-betterment and healing. As we approach the end of the cycle in December of this year, you are likely beginning to see the results of all the effort you have been putting into crafting an improved version of yourself. Mars, who, as we discussed, is transiting your 4th house, will be making a brief week-long square with the North and South node. While this will send a jolt of new energy through your veins, you have to be careful not to go too far with the self-care. There is a point where appreciation becomes an obsession. This transit will come as a wake-up call for you to pay attention to the relationships you may have been failing to look after. Anything in excess can be detrimental. Be mindful of your choices as your self-mastery pursuit may be making your loved ones feel left out. Remember that a part of mastery comes from the understanding that as we overcome our own barriers, it is our duty to help others do the same. When we abandon this side of recovery, we risk becoming an obstacle in other people’s lives. You surely won’t let that happen.

Though the New Moon happens in Leo on the 8th, you will be bringing your own mercurial flair to the energies presented by this transit. It is happening in your 3rd house, and you may feel the need to start new creative projects, read a new book or even go on a short trip with your siblings— if you have any, of course. Especially for those of you who are writers, salespeople, counselors, or teachers, your job will feel more effortless than ever. This month is time to let all your mercurial blessings go wild. Unexpected people may even start to come to you for advice. This lunar cycle might get your exceptional communications skills noticed by everyone. As a Gemini, all this attention will make you feel revitalized. Use this influx of prosperity wisely, and you can keep this momentum up for longer than you can imagine. Not that I have to tell you this, but don’t be shy. The world is your oyster.

The opulence of this month continues as the Full Moon of the 22nd happens in the sign of Aquarius. This transit will be happening in your 9th house. You will likely be feeling inventive and thirsty for more knowledge. Be careful of becoming unfocused as any new and esoteric topic might send you down a Wikipedia rabbit-hole. Use this time to study your current situation and try to stay grounded in your reality. Saturn ruled Aquarius makes us aware of how we can avoid our limitations. Sometimes, it may even show us how to turn our disadvantages into a trump card. Embody the perseverance of your fellow Air sign and use it to better the foundations of your community. Whereas the New Moon was your time to shine, this is now where you use that spark to expand beyond your tiny bubble. Everyone deserves a chance to showcase their aptitude. The 9th house also deals with esoteric knowledge such as the Tarot, Astrology, and Energy Healing. If you are interested in any of these arts, this would be the perfect time to dive deep into it and learn how to use them to help your community. You are well aware of your radiance, so be the light at the end of the tunnel for your somebody.

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♊ Horoscopes for Gemini

Monthly Horoscope for Gemini Zodiac signs Well

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