2012 Horoscope for Sagittarius Zodiac Sign

2012 Horoscope Sagittarius

Astrology forecast for 2012, the year of the Black Water Dragon. 2012 Horoscope for people born under the Sagittarius Zodiac sign.

Oh buoyant Sagittarius 2012 is going to be a year of deep purposeful change.

Expect to be highly focused on issues of communication. This 2012 year of Dragon you could find yourself all over the place, many short trips that keep you moving and busy. It's likely that siblings will play a major role, perhaps there is much to talk about, hidden treasures and buried secrets- unlocking the mysteries will move you forward on your path.

You have what is called a stellium in Scorpio this 2012 year. Venus, planet of relating and values; Saturn, the task master; Mercury, your mind and perceptions; the North Node, the direction our soul is evolving. All this huddled up in your third house of communication will change your world in matters of communication and the comings and goings of your daily life. With Saturn Conjunct, fusing its energy with Venus, you may find relationships either withholding or perhaps stifling. Saturn can feel cold and unloving, but does show love in the form of boundaries. We need boundaries and limitations to truly function at our best. It could be you are learning this 2012 year of Dragon to set boundaries for yourself in relationships- balancing time between you and others. Or maybe someone will set some boundaries for you- you may be crossing their lines- we learn either way.

With Neptune, planet of our connection to the cosmos conjunct Chiron, the wounded healer, in an easy trine to Saturn and Venus you are definitely being guided to heal your wounds and see the deeper meaning in your connections with others. It may all be a bit of effort, but well worth it effort you enjoy. The truth will be told all over the place, something Sagittarians honor, this will deepen ties and create an intimacy you may not be entirely comfortable with even though you desire meaningful connections. You will be able to really communicate your internal processes, sharing in a way that was previously lacking. Life will be refreshing, an adventure even. Stay in the now and deal with situations authentically as they come up.

In the area related to home and family this 2012 year you have Pluto, planet of deep transformation, arm in arm with Mars, planet of action and drive. This is squaring Uranus, the freedom fighting genius. Uranus never really lets anything settle for long. And the square always creates a stressful sort of tension. It's a relationship that has planets working at cross purposes. Each one goes about its business in its own very different way and it will not be convinced otherwise. Yikes. This tension is happening in your home life, or perhaps it relates to deep subconscious processes working. There may be sudden win falls, or inheritances, or a sudden move to join resources with another. Negotiation will be needed and an important part of the growth process. Mars and Pluto in Capricorn this 2012 year of Dragon are pushing you to establish real world evidence-reap rewards, build tangible foundations out of the ashes of what went before. You are moving into a new place in your life, a new identity is being born from deep within.

Things are bound to get tricky in some areas and change can be stressful, but you do have a lovely supportive trine from your Sun, ruler of your identity and the Moon, your instincts and feelings. Through 2012 year of the Dragon expect creative breakthroughs which could be linked to partners in your life. You will be feeling good about getting into partnerships of all kinds. They will support your greater good this 2012 year, help you be a more creative and productive individual. You may discover executive skills that promote you to a more important role in your Job- one in which you must be a leader- people will come to you for guidance. Try to control the Sagittarian tendency to be self-righteous. It's nice to be right, but it's more important to be happy. Be humble wise know-it-all. No one likes a lecture.

With Jupiter in your Tenth house this 2012 year you are going to be blessed with an expansion of some kind in your world of Career- How you are viewed in the world will change and expand. Jupiter is your ruling planet- The benefactor of your bigger picture visions and buoyant ability to bounce back from the difficult stuff ready to try again. You have truths to tell the world and 2012 is sure to put you in positions to express yourself authentically, and that comes naturally to you. Remember the wise words of Dr. Suess ,"Be who you are,and say how you feel, because those who matter won't mind, and those who mind don't matter." Use this as your motto for 2012 and you can't go wrong. Enjoy the Adventure!

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