2017 Horoscope for Cancer Zodiac Sign

2017 Horoscope Cancer

Astrology forecast for 2017, the year of the Red Fire Rooster. 2017 Horoscope for people born under the Cancer Zodiac sign.

In 2017 the only thing left for Cancers is to advance and catch up!

Everyone is rushing somewhere, dragging you along, promising that in the intertwining of possibilities a chance is about to appear that can stop the vicious cycle of events. Dear Cancers, until now you didn't hurry anywhere, but because of that you advanced everywhere, living in your own world parallel to reality. And now comes the moment when all that you had successfully forgotten, like a forgotten timer, is ready to catch up to Cancer, and one sharp push would dislodge from its shell! Everything isn't so literally dramatic. Nonetheless, for those people born under the Cancer zodiac sign, 2017 can be compared with the transition from silent black and white films to three-dimensional HD reality; a new state of unlimited expanding perception, carrying in itself great potential, but with this it is able to fully demoralize a long-standing relaxed psyche. In any event, the future Year of the Rooster 2017 promises to be a very hectic and unique year for Cancer, not pleasing to the solid and systematic development which members of your zodiac sign are accustomed to. Oh, how quickly everything happens! Of course, according to you: "Anything new is evil, and evil is the result of any changes or innovations!" Then yes, here you could come to the conclusion that if you had the willpower, time would never stop. But even you, dear Cancers, must realize in your heart of hearts that the changes coming in 2017 are partially created in order to break your intertia from the standstill of a train long ago stuck on a sidetrack. Real life cannot be static. And although Cancers understand the inevitability of changes, nonetheless they meet them with noticeable resistance. In 2017 you will not have enough time or ability to solve the most important issues, to solve every old problem stretching behind you, or even finally find answers to the questions you sought in the preceding years. Dear Cancers, if you don't hurry, you will never change your credo, hurry slowly... Just like that, and no other way! Only thus, remaining true to yourself, will you be able to harmoniously fit into a new era.

It is necessary to add that just as before there is something in the lives of Cancers at the beginning of 2017 which will strongly hinder development. This is one of the factors which members of your zodiac sign must concentrate attention on from the very start. In the end, the Year of the Red Rooster 2017 is not conducive to stopping or retreating. It's like a runaway train that can't wait for passengers left behind. Unfortunately, concrete recipes for solving this problem don't exist. It means Cancers have to be in a hurry to adapt and decide on a route for these vital questions which once again in the coming period will add vagueness to the already unclear (inexact) plans of Cancer. In solving this question, a clear final decision can help you before that moment when someone else will make the decision for you.

And so, let us analyze in detail why representatives of the zodiac sign Cancer, who traditionally are related to the element of Water, will in the Year of the Rooster 2017 have so much difficulty adapting to imminent changes. Naturally, here the key astrogolical tendency is obvious: the signs of the element Water in principle will end up not in the most advantageous position in this time period as the current element for 2017 - Fire. Nonetheless, there are always chances for success, and it's not especially worth it to despair that the Year of the Red Fire Rooster 2017 will basically stand in the way of your successful development. Nuances are everywhere, and most importantly, there always exist clear and unclear phenomena, taking into account those which truly and fully will end up victorious in any situation, even the most complex. Besides, the battle - which is almost always progress, will also doubtlessly make them stronger - even if it will be really hard for Cancer this year.

Of course, if they themselves will be active and dynamic, and if we consider the character of this sign, then there can be no doubt that in the course of 2017 something will nudge Cancers into a more active position. So, it's necessary to consider, that although the Red Fire Rooster, the patron of 2017, will clearly not be found on your side, nevertheless the Moon, the personal steward of Cancer, will end up being stronger than ever in many periods of the year. There are two consequences of this feature. First, the basic emphasis of the whole year 2017 logically is in the sphere of personal relationships (not to worry: this area will interact with other spheres with maximal closeness). And secondly, here Cancers have to be flexible. You must learn how to adjust to circumstances, not sag beneath them. This means adaptability, and the ability to use changing conditions for the sake of your own benefit. No special preparation is needed here. Internal factors will tell you what to do, and you will understand without difficulty what is demanded of you, and which choice you need to make. The important thing is not to be afraid of changes, but to remain yourself while changing in new conditions.

On the whole, 2017 as it applies to people born under the Cancer sign can tentatively be divided into two stages, and the first one naturally begins with the beginning of the Year Of The Rooster - January 28th. From literally the first day of this time period the most extraordinary exertion of all your strength is demanded of you, to the largest degree - guts. You will have to efficiently learn how to control your emotions most exactly. Yes, Cancers often have trouble with this, but now you will have to get these very problems under control, or else risk the prospect of very negative situations which will simply pale in comparison with all earlier ones. The important thing is not to doubt your strengths. The Moon will absolutely suggest what you need to do. Of course the eccentric character of the Year of the Fire Rooster will oppose you, but, rest assured, his strengths are not without limit. Besides, he is in no condition to place obstacles before you that you objectively cannot overcome. This small bit of cunning, which many are unaware of, is in fact one of the fundamental laws of the Universe, or more precisely, an aspect of this law. At this time it is important that the most global changes occur in the lives of Cancers. There is no need to fear leaving old relationships, which as you well know, you have already moved past, so to speak. Everything that brings at least one negative along with joy, you need to leave, or at least change, and along with you continue on a path with a certain new key. At the same time, there is no need to fear new relationships that possibly frighten you with their enormity. It also occurs with Cancers that you are fully able to almost achieve your objective, when suddenly you stop one step from victory. You have to reject this tendency. In all other respects the stars recommend you simply be yourself. On the whole this step may turn out to be unbelievably productive if you handle proportionate obstacles and don't "rush" too strongly into making decisions - this is the key aspect of 2017.

The next step begins with the end of the summer season, approximately in the second third of August 2017. The time of abrupt uneven changes is already past, so the transition will be smooth. You will especially notice how very signifcant situations smoothly move into the personal and work spheres. Naturally, this is a relative, very general interpretation, which may fully have many nuances, depending on your specific zodiac sign and specific personality. On the whole, the dynamic of the previous stage remains, but the Fire Rooster, the patron of 2017, doesn't plan to cut you any slack until the very end. Therefore it is recommended that Cancers not slow down under any circumstances. If you confidently go toward victory - continue to do that. If everything becomes more complicated - become stronger yourself and engage even more actively. It's important not to lose yourself in the game, but the dynamic here should be just one side of the coin. The other side is precision, that is, it's not worth it to complete actions you're not sure about. Now the risk in a majority of cases will turn out to be losses for you. Undoubtedly dear Cancers, it will be hard for you to reject the good old Russian tradition of trusting in luck, but now, rest assured, there is no better time for this. Of course, on the other hand, it's isn't worth it to be afraid. You won't be stymied in some kind of exceptionally clear framework or caught in the grips of a steel vice of circumstances. Room for maneuvering remains. This fact (considering the active development of events) simply will become a bit less than you are used to. At times perhaps it will be worth it to resort to cunning, or conversely, tell the truth directly when they least expect this of you. As said before, your greatest weapon here is a variable adaptability and flexibility in all things.

On the whole, the Year of the Red Fire Rooster 2017 will be very successful for Cancer, although one thing is clear; you'll have to sweat it out. On the other hand, recalling old Nietsche, it must be pointed out that if Cancer doesn't bend under pressure, he becomes stronger. In the coming year 2017 many will find true friends, and perhaps even, those whom it is fair to sincerely call your "second half." On the other hand, many relationships will come to their natural end, and here the key definition is natural (although, of course, this definition doesn't negate the sorrow and sadness of such events). The important thing is to remember that there are always possibilities. And you can always give up on your goals, admitting defeat. But... in our view, this is not the correct path. Be confident that in the soft strength style characteristic of Cancer, you will lead your troops to victory in 2017!

We wish all Cancers happiness and success in 2017, the Year of the Red Rooster! May joy not abandon you over the course of 2017, and may your house always be full of merriment!

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Read Cancer 2017 monthly horoscopes for the following months:

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Comments: 2017 Horoscope Cancer

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Larry 2017-01-03 07:51:25
It seems every year its the same for me 6/26/1956.For the last decade it's "cancer you must work extremely hard to get anything or just survive".Well, I'm tired of this. I'm 60 now and I hope sometime before I die I will have a year when things just happen more easily for a change.
Sv 2017-01-23 20:59:04
I feel u...it's like a never ending cycle of hard work. Really want to give up and say f it.
camil 2016-11-16 02:54:13
At least the 2017 year will be unique though I don?€™t get it which way 🙂

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