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Monthly Horoscope for Gemini

April 2021 Gemini Horoscope

This month you’re working in your preferred environment. April will be a time to get social, meet some friends, and share the joy of spring together. The North Node and Mars will be conjunct from day one in your first house, boosting your already vibrant and chatty personality. Chances are April will be full of adventures that go hand in hand with your drive to keep life interesting. The only thing you have to be careful with is not spreading yourself too thin. Gemini tends to try and be at multiple places at once, but there’s only one of you, and you will have to learn to prioritize if you don’t want to let your desire to be present get in your way of enjoying anything.

In the first week of the month, your ruling planet Mercury will be moving into the sign of Aries. This will make the way you express yourself much more direct and explosive. Be aware of how that affects your household, though. Not everybody wants to talk and hang out all day long. If you happen to live with an introvert, try to give them the space to come to you and avoid being forceful. On the other hand, if you live with other outgoing and vigorous communicators such as yourself, take advantage of the Aries energy to explore new topics and share with your roommates or family. Overall, this transit will be beneficial and bring positive vibes to your household, with loads of laughter and excitement.

The New Moon of April 11th, also in the sign of Aries, will come to add more fire to your life. It’s happening in your 11th house, bringing you a lot closer to your inner circle. You could find yourself in a group activity that will invigorate and excite you. This lighthearted moon phase will be a great time to bring all those you love together and maybe even expand your social circle.

Mars and Jupiter make a trine in your 1st and 9th house, marking the middle of the month with a boost in luck. Someone you know might just teach you something new that could change how you see yourself or how you approach doing the things you care about. It will likely happen through one of your adventures this month, so look for it in unexpected and foreign places. Curiosity is your best friend this month, so go out there and show yourself to the world, Gemini.

Speaking of trines, on April 25th, a grand trine between the Moon, Saturn, and the North Node will be happening respectively in your 5th, 9th, and 1st house, so watch out for that. These houses deal with who you are and how you learn. It will be happening in all the three air signs, and since you’re one of them, you could really take advantage of these energies in the areas of learning and communicating. If you are a student, this could be an auspicious time to buckle down and dive deep into your books. If you have a test coming up, you may find that you’re internalizing things with much greater ease.

If you’re not a student, this would be an excellent time to start journaling if you don’t already do that. If you have anything that’s been bugging you for the last little while or any area of your life that you’re feeling stuck on, start writing about that and just let your mind flow freely. You might think you don’t know the answer to your question, but you might just know.

The Full Moon of the following day falls in your 6th house in the sign of Scorpio.

Scorpio loves to bring up things that are left unnoticed. When we think everything is fine and just shove it all under the rug, the scorpion is the one that lets us know that the carpet is getting dirty. This Full Moon will call attention to all the nasty habits that are holding you back. Don’t worry. We all have those, and with diligence, we can all overcome them. But it’s essential to be aware when we are self-sabotaging, this moon will do just that.

The month comes to a close with Mars opposing the Moon in your 2nd and 8th house. This transit calls attention to how we spend our money and how we consume. This month will be easy and fun, but pay attention to your bank account. Be careful not to get too carried away and overspend. At this time, especially, it’s good to be cautious. The month is just ending, and you want to set yourself up for success for the month coming up. With that being said, though, don’t let that discourage you from adventuring and exploring new territory. Responsibility is key.

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♊ Horoscopes for Gemini

Monthly Horoscope for Gemini Zodiac signs Well

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