Ox Chinese New Year Horoscope 2022

Ox Horoscope 2022

Ox 🐂 Black Tiger Year

Chinese New Year Horoscope 2022

The Chinese New Year 2022 will be the Year of the Black Water Tiger. Follow links below to find out with the help of Chinese Horoscope 2022 what it would be like for people born in the year of the Ox.

Ox Horoscope 2022 - 💘 Love Sphere Ox Horoscope 2022 - 💰 Money Sphere Ox Horoscope 2022 - 🚑 Health Sphere Ox Horoscope 2022 - 💬 Comments

Ox Horoscope 2022

The Year of the Tiger for Zodiac sign Ox

Oxen are the embodiment of traditional, steadfast values and endurance, and 2022 will put that endurance to the test. Tiger’s aggressive, all-in energy does not always jive well with the Ox’s methodical approach to life.

The best thing that an Ox can do in 2022 is riding the wave of that intense Tiger energy, and not fighting against the current. This year will be a great time to really consider what you want out of your life and if you are moving in that direction. If not, take a little bit of that Tiger confidence and point your rudder towards a new horizon. If you are already on a path that you are happy with, hold strong, and let this year’s momentum push you closer to your goals. This is not to say drop everything and move across the globe. It is not a time for drastic upheaval, but rather assess what changes you can make in your current life to make you a happier Ox and begin making the necessary changes.

Ox Horoscope 2022 - Love Ox's Horoscope 2022 for Love Sphere

Ox's Romance & Relationships sphere throughout 2022 Tiger Year

Oxen have a habit of being all work and no play, and that does not serve a relationship well, especially under the watchful gaze of the Tiger. Tigers love themselves and love a little self-indulgence, and the year will not be kind to Oxen that refuse to put down their work and relax. Leave work at the office on Friday afternoon and devote your weekends to your family. Your spouse will thank you. Ox women do not be afraid of asking for help with household chores and driving the kids to soccer practice. Running yourself into the ground does not serve anyone. Take some time off work at the end of the summer to devote yourself to your relationship.

The end of the summer is also an ideal time for single Oxen to take a step back from work and turn their attention to love. Ox men tend to hold back and not put themselves out there because they are afraid of disappointment. That behavior will not serve you well in 2022, and outgoing Tiger will leave you lonely if you aren’t willing to take a little risk and make yourself available for connections. What seems like a chance encounter or random stroke of luck in May or August just might turn into the cute story you tell the grandkids about how you met their grandmother.

Ox Horoscope 2022 - Money Ox Horoscope 2022 for Money Sphere

Ox's Wealth & Abundance in the course of the 2022 Year of the Tiger

Tiger’s slightly chaotic influence can make this a shaky time for investments. However, if an Ox does their due diligence and puts in the effort to make sure an endeavor is sound, their boldness will be rewarded. Now is not the time for sudden career changes. It is the time to excel and prove yourself in your chosen field. Consider taking some extra courses or asking advice from a senior member of your company. This willingness to prove oneself and remain a steadfast member of the team will see you gain the credit or promotion you’ve been hoping for.

An offer in February or March will lead to an extra financial cushion, which will allow you to make a large purchase in the second half of the year. Have you been holding off on buying a new car or dreaming of a bigger apartment? This is the year to treat yourself. After all of your hard work, you deserve it.

Ox Horoscope 2022 - Health Ox Horoscope 2022 for Health Sphere

Ox's Well-Being & Relaxation during 2022 Tiger Year

Not over-working is the theme of this year for Oxen, and that extends to your health. Pushing yourself to the brink may lead to financial success, but what is the point if you are too ill or tired to enjoy the fruits? Hardworking Oxen are prone to insomnia, and you need to be diligent about making sure your body and mind are rested. Take up a relaxing habit this year, such as meditation or yoga.

Oxen born in 1997 are looking at an accident-prone summer. This is not the year to take up rock climbing or any other risky hobbies. Grab a cooler and chill on the beach instead of going snorkeling with the sharks.

Ox's Elemental Horoscopes 2022

The 12 symbolic animals are only one aspect of the Chinese Zodiac wheel. To truly understand your sign and your horoscope you also need to understand your element. There are five elements that also cycle along with the animals; water, metal, earth, fire, and wood. Each element brings with it different energies and characteristics that help to define your personality and path. Finding your element is simple and can be done using the last number of your birth year.


2022 chinese horoscope

Water Ox Horoscope 2022

Years Ending In: 2 or 3 | Ruling Planet: Mercury ☿ | Season: Winter ❄| Color: Black

One would think that Water Oxen would have a smooth flowing year as their element is in charge, but Tiger is not going to tolerate laying about and hoping for the future. Tiger will support your goals and help push you forwards, but you have to get up and take the bull by the horns if you want to see progress in 2022.


2022 chinese horoscope

Metal Ox Horoscope 2022

Years Ending In: 0 or 1 | Ruling Planet: Venus ♀ | Season: Autumn ☔ | Color: White

Tiger will appreciate Metal Oxen’s drive and ability to be decisive and sure-footed in their decisions, but don’t overdo it. Metal Ox are the worst about not taking time for themselves, and indulgent Tiger will not approve. A trip at the end of the summer and some outdoor activities will do your spirit good and help you be recharged heading into the last quarter of the year.


2022 chinese horoscope

Earth Ox Horoscope 2022

Years Ending In: 8 or 9 | Ruling Planet: Saturn ♄ | Season: Summer/Early Autumn 🌞 ☔ | Color: Brown

Earth Oxen have been digging deep and working hard the last few years, and 2022 is the time to step back and enjoy the results. Your work life is stable and lucrative, your personal relationships are flowing along smoothly. Let yourself take time this year to be in the moment. This isn’t to say abandon your post, but feel free to loosen the reins a little. If you have been considering a new addition to your family, 2022 is an excellent time to make that happen.


2022 chinese horoscope

Fire Ox Horoscope 2022

Years Ending In: 6 or 7 | Ruling Planet: Mars ♂ | Season: Summer 🌞 | Color: Red

Late spring will bring a business proposal that seems out of the ordinary, and your first reaction will be to dig your hooves in. Don’t be hasty, look it over, ask advice and proceed with caution, but do not immediately write it off. 2022 is a great year for Fire Oxen and love. New relationships will be formed, and existing ones will flourish under the careful tending of protective Fire Oxen.


2022 chinese horoscope

Wood Ox Horoscope 2022

Years Ending In: 4 or 5 | Ruling Planet: Jupiter ♃ | Season: Spring 🌈 | Color: Green

The Tiger energy flowing through 2022 makes this an auspicious time for Wood Oxen to go ahead and pursue those career goals. This is a good year to go into business for yourself or turn that hobby you’ve been cultivating into a money maker. However, be prudent and don’t get greedy. Taking a piece of the pie for yourself is great. Trying to grab the whole pan will get you burned.

Video: Ox Horoscope 2022


Chinese Horoscope 2022 Ox

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