2015 Good & Bad days Horoscope for Leo Zodiac Sign

2015 Good & Bad days Horoscope Leo

Leo Good & Bad days Horoscope 2015 for the year of the Green Wood Ram

Oh Leo, you've got quite the interesting year coming up in 2015! Optimism will be the name of your game this year, thanks to Jupiter staying in your side for practically three-quarters of the year, until August 11. This is not a common occurrence, so make sure you take full advantage! Mars being in your sign August 8 until September 25 will add to your good vibes, giving you tons of energy and a great thirst for life. Speaking of Mars, this planet visits your dream sector from May 12 through June 24. And, although this would normally give you the energy to tackle your dreams and desires, Mercury is also retrograding at the same time, in your same sector. Suddenly, practicality triumphs everything, and it's got you wondering whether or not your dreams are even worth going after. Making any decisions worthwhile is not a good idea at this time, simply because of this, but don't worry, because you'll see during the next Mars transit that waiting was the best idea ever! As if Mercury's retrograde in May-June wasn't bad enough, it will retrograde again in your opposing sign, Aquarius, from January 21 until February 11. Communication will be the big issue at this time, and of course none of the problems that come with this retrograde will be your fault...but just in case, you may want to watch what you say and who you say it to. There's a big chance it could be misconstrued in a terrible way. We'll also have another retrograde to look out for, and that's Venus in your sign, from July 31 to September 6. In fact, Venus will be in your sign normally right before, but of course, the retrograde is what will completely throw you off. Your motivation to do anything goes right out the door, and all you'll want to do is laze around. It's almost as if you want others to wait on you constantly, and forget about being considerate of other people's feelings, that doesn't exist during this time either. Barking orders at others isn't you, so you'll surprise many people because you're usually the generous one. Be careful to not upset the wrong person, and it may bode you well to lay low until Venus rights herself. The eclipses won't affect you much more than usual in 2015 Leo, so you won't need to worry about them too much.

January will be all about your loved ones, and spending precious time with them-as much as you can get, especially right around New Years. Loneliness is what you fear if you don't get that close contact. Unfortunately, if you don't get this much sought after alone time with loved ones, you could wind up frustrating yourself beyond repair. The fix is to strengthening your personal relationship-with yourself. By loving yourself more, you won't feel the urge to constantly find that love from anyone else. If you're in an intimate relationship already, you should focus on giving them more of your love and affection...you'll feel much better.

Mercury's retrograde has you all sorts of messed up in February, Leo. Commitment and relationship issues plague the start of the month, as the retrograde doesn't end until the 11th. You'll say things you don't mean, they'll say things they don't mean. What you expect from others, especially loved ones, will be beyond reasonable, and again that's the retrograde talking. You'll need to think before you speak, and probably just keep your thoughts to yourself this month. February is a short month though, and you won't have to suffer with this for much longer.

March will be much better for you, and probably your best month this year to date, especially beginning to mid-month. Whatever has been bogging you down in the beginning of the year is gone, and you'll feel it. You'll be little Mr./Mrs. Positive, and your friendly, fun disposition will be shining through. You'll finally see through the seriousness of life and realize that it's time to let loose and enjoy everything around you.

April will be all about your goals and achieving them, Leo. You'll be super focused, especially towards the end of the month, and have the mentality that you can do anything that you set your mind to. You know what you can handle and what you're capable of doing, and you also know when you'll need to ask for a little help. After all, not every goal you have can be done completely by yourself. You know who exactly to ask for help, and who can further you to reach your goals. And by keeping up with this mentality and by actually doing instead of just thinking, you'll be more productive than anyone else this month. Your accomplishments will rise and you'll be so close to your goals, you can taste them.

May is the month that has you worried about your future. Why are you so insecure about it, Leo? You usually ooze confidence, but for whatever reason, this month has you second-guessing everything and wondering what exactly you're going to do with yourself. Mars visits your dream sector starting May 12, which normally is a good thing, but we see why you're so insecure about your dreams and the future when Mercury retrogrades in your dream sector, at the very same time, starting the 19th. You want desperately to show yourself that you know what you're doing this month when it comes to your dreams, but it might be best to just take off from thinking about your future until the planets wise up. You won't get much done until then anyway.

In June, we'll see both Mars and Mercury leaving your dreams sector by the 11th and the 24th, respectively, but that doesn't mean you'll have a smooth month. You feel suffocated at home, and that's never good for someone like you, Leo. This is something that has been building over time, though, and you'll start to feel like it is somewhat ending this month, finally. You can push back on the walls that were closing in on you, and see what the aftermath of all this is. Has it been you all this time, and not everyone else? You won't know until you break the walls down and look.

This year so far, you've been quite the busy bee, Leo, and in July, you'll start to look over everything you've done. The opportunities you've been given so far have been astounding, and hopefully you've taken full advantage, because we could be seeing the end of this awesome energy. You'll know it's almost over though, and you'll work even harder so you can reap the rewards. By the 31st, be prepared to be hustling to accomplish anything you can, as Venus retrogrades in your sign and you become lazy thereafter.

Venus' retrograde that started last month is in full fledge in August for you. You feel very lethargic and lazy this month, and don't really feel like your typical outgoing, charming self. Mars comes in your sign this month, around the 8th, and it'll counteract with Venus. While you don't particularly want to present yourself well to others, you know it won't be good at all for you. Missed opportunities are abound for you because of this mess, as people won't be looking for you as they usually are. Check your attitude at the door, and remember it's you this time, Leo, and you have to work up the drive to get your act together.

Thankfully, Venus rights herself in the beginning of September, and you'll just have Mars' energy ruling the month for you. But, this isn't to say that you won't be experiencing some challenges with it. If you don't keep yourself busy throughout the month, until the 25th, you'll feel anxious and like you're bouncing off the walls. If you have something that is demanding of you physically, you should do it now. And, while you might not fully finish everything you start this month, you'll throw yourself 100% into them, and you may see results not normally seen with your usual drive and energy.

Some wise words for you in October are, "think before you speak". You'll have quite the attitude this month, with the mouth to match. When someone comes at you first, typically your first response is to bite back, but know when to stop. This month, you won't be stopped so easily, and your responses could get you in some huge trouble. Especially mid-month, watch what you say and who you say it to, as it could have some dire consequences.

For those Leos that are creative, November might be a bit of a challenge for you, especially in the beginning. Inspiration is rare, even impossible, to find, and you'll struggle immensely with it. And, just when you thought you've found what you needed, it slips right through your fingers. You need to figure out a way to make the creativity stay, and this won't be very easy to find, either. But don't worry, it'll just take some effort on your part. Be very careful to not get yourself in a rut, as it can be very easy to right now. You'll find the creativity you crave, it'll just take time and lots of patience.

The holidays will have a longing effect on you in December, Leo, and you'll be right back where you started in January. While you won't feel fully frustrated with not spending time with loved ones like you were in the beginning of the year, you'll definitely want to be around the people you love, surrounded by the good vibes that they give you. This is crucial for anyone, especially this time of year. This will be typically felt in the beginning to mid-month. You will be at your happiest with your loved ones around you, so parties, and even a family dinner can be crucial for you this month. Enjoy the season!

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Read Leo 2015 monthly horoscopes for the following months:

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Comments: 2015 Good & Bad days Horoscope Leo

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ARIJEET 2015-12-30 23:15:27
Its absolutly right....nothing is working out for me....i have lost everything in life...including home and friends...and most disguisting is..i have no one to fall back on...LEO Sucks....!!
Su 2016-01-18 21:48:00
It's true. The worst thing about Leo is you don't get to even call out your pains, pressures and anguish. Truly, none will ever be to fall back.

Brittney 2015-11-04 19:03:53
I don't understand what November means?
sforsuk 2015-10-14 22:40:25
i think Jan is so right on me and basically i think the whole year is talking about me!
Harry 2015-09-24 13:31:34
I think Leo's are having a very hard time since starting 2014 and it's close to ending 2015 and nothing has improved and don't see a bright day coming near future too . Frustated and helpless that's what i feel
Doomed 2015-09-10 17:33:00
I agree with all you Leo's. I had a great career. Now, will be homeless next month. I loved my work field. Everyone else getting the jobs. I begged for work when I could get through the stupid jr. recruiters with no idea what they were talking about. The last years like swimming up Niagara Falls. I'm done ! I give up. I'm very depressed it's been so bad and now over 50 looking at living on the streets.
AngryLEO 2015-08-06 16:46:20
i honestly HATE being a leo. There is NOTHING but let downs and disappointments WTF...When will i ever be HAPPY??? That's all i want- Is that so much to ask for???!!!!!!!! why couldnt i be like a Sagitarrius or Taurus.
a leo 2015-08-05 03:57:24
the first couple months of this year jan-april where good then may-july screwed everything up lets hope the rest of the year is more positive and nothing goes wrong october/november
Amanda 2015-06-08 22:56:05
I think that it's does fit me and my character and it does help me realize that I am the beholder of my own destiny however my big mouth could get me into trouble...
Skidder 2015-01-30 10:23:52
I am unemployed and I haven't any luck for nearly two years I read through everything you wrote either it's a crock or I am the unluckiest person alive
jmae 2014-12-29 15:44:53
It's worthwhile to read. It gave me something to think about for next year.
anecito 2014-12-18 23:49:05
Very much gratifying, yet a lot more worth-knowing.

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