Rooster Tiger

Rooster and Tiger Compatibility Horoscope

Rooster 💝 Tiger Compatibility

Chinese Compatibility Horoscope

Rooster and Tiger Compatibility Horoscope

Chinese Compatibility Horoscope for Combination of Rooster and Tiger Zodiac Signs.

Rooster Years of Birth: 1921, 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017, 2029

Tiger Years of Birth: 1914, 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022

It is not always easy to understand why your relationship is turbulent and negative. Reading up on your Chinese horoscope can give you insight into your personality and that of your mate's and will let you know how compatible the two of you are. Your Chinese zodiac sign is a helpful tool that will allow you to understand your relationships better.

As a Rooster, you are bright and exacting. You enter a room with a proud posture, and you are always well dressed and impeccably groomed. Others always notice you, and that's the way you like it. You are optimistic and have many dreams and ideas, and you are very sure about how you want to pursue them. Roosters always have a plan, and they are always being productive. Every minute of your life is scheduled, and you make use of time that others do not-you always have something to go over if you are a passenger in a vehicle, for example, rather than wasting that time. You keep your finances just as organized as your schedule, and despite your love of fine clothing, you never spend too much. You really are a model of efficiency, but you need to learn to relax and have some spontaneous fun sometimes.

Tigers are rebellious. They often don't even need a reason to rebel. Tigers are whirlwinds of energy that draw others in. Many people feel a magnetic and irresistible attraction to Tigers. They are passionate about various causes, and quite enjoy the chance to flex their muscles in a conflict.

Tigers have short fuses, and can get upset quickly. Tigers also may loyal and passionate friends. A Tiger would jump in front of a speeding car for her friend or mate. A Tiger has a sensitive ego, and does not take criticism well. Once wounded, she needs to be comforted almost like a child. She does not want to see what part her own actions had in the criticism; she just needs sympathy. No matter how depressed Tigers get, they always bounce back with the same energy as before.

There are too many conflicts here for this to be a smooth relationship. Tigers will rebel against routines and schedules simply because they exist, and you will find this infuriating and disrespectful. Although you may admire each other's talents and have fascinating conversations, you will also have the most passionate fights. The physical chemistry may be good, but long term stability is lacking. You have a tendency to be blunt, curt, and brutally honest, and this will send the Tiger into cycles of deep depression. She will pull away from you and reject you to go find comfort elsewhere, then come back when she feels better only to have the entire process start over again.

The two of you may get along fairly well as friends or colleagues but a love relationship is likely to be too taxing for the both of you. The way you prefer to live your lives simply does not mesh well enough to encourage stability in the long term. The chemistry is tempting, but ultimately not worth it.

Compatibility of Rooster Tiger couple Rooster Tiger Compatibility Horoscope

Comments: Rooster Tiger Compatibility Horoscope

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Lilly 2017-11-22 04:54:41
This describes my relationship with he being the rooster and I the tiger. He is a bit older than I. I'm fighting for him despite the friction. I suppose I see love as something worthy to fight for. Then again we've already broken up five times. I never start the fights but I defend my position very logically. It feels like when we argue we are speaking different languages. Other than misunderstandings that lead to fights, we have so much passion and adoration between us. It's so hard though.
cara 2017-06-05 04:14:08
I've seen this one play out badly...the rooster wants to rest in the evening and watch a movie and the tiger is a workaholic and ignores her, and incapable of long lasting love with his work ethic of working until he's tired enough to go to sleep. The chase and the honeymoon was nice, and the rest was shallow so they got divorced and split up before their 1st wedding anniversary.
bien 2017-04-26 05:59:46
make me sad.. i really fall with someone with that zodiac
dany 2017-04-23 13:49:09
I have met this guy just over a month ago and we fell madly in love... we live about 22 1/2 hours apart and already has come to my place for 3 weeks. So far it's great and we both believe this is forever.. After reading our compatibility, I can see both our personalities here, it's flagrant, me being the Tiger, he the Rooster. Can't say it worries me, we both are older, 5 years apart, both widow/widower, I think we can make it thru all odds.. Call me an Optimist!
mez 2015-06-12 13:08:24
What utter crap. Im a tiger and my boyfriend is a rooster. We have been together for years and things are going great. Always have been.
Victor 2015-05-06 08:15:51
I just broke up with my wife of 6 years. This description is by far the best I've come across. It hit the nail on the head when it came to the compatibility parts. WOW! is really all I can say. WOW!

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