Tiger Snake

Tiger and Snake Compatibility Horoscope

Tiger 💝 Snake Compatibility

Chinese Compatibility Horoscope

Tiger and Snake Compatibility Horoscope

Chinese Compatibility Horoscope for Combination of Tiger and Snake Zodiac Signs.

Tiger Years of Birth: 1914, 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022

Snake Years of Birth: 1917, 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013, 2025

It's true that opposites can attract, but you need to have certain things in common with a partner in order to have a stable relationship. Opposite talents help when it comes to splitting up household duties, but opposite outlooks on life rarely make it together. Your Chinese horoscope helps you understand aspects of your personality and which Chinese zodiac signs are compatible with your own.

A Tiger is a force of nature. Your will is as incontrovertible as a hurricane or a freight train. You love drama, and excitement and controversy always seem to find you. If for some reason there is a lack of conflict in your life, you find a way to stir some up. You are always in the middle of an emotional high or low, and don't seem to have a middle ground. Your friends probably find it exhausting just listening to you talk about your life.

You love a good cause. Even lost causes move you and inspire you to powerful speeches and demonstrations. If a cause is rebellious, it is all that more appealing to you. You have a habit of acting before thinking, and throwing yourself at a situation. Your passion often helps you make out alright in the end, but sometimes you do crash and burn.

You can be overly sensitive because you take yourself so seriously. You have a tendency to over spend, and need a partner who can rein you in a little.

A Snake is your complete opposite.

She is calm, cool, and collected. Others probably refer to her as cold blooded because her emotions never get the best of her, and in fact few people ever get to see that she has emotions at all. She never makes a move out of the background and yet somehow no one misses her. She is always well dressed, and she has an air of mystery, confidence, and sophistication.

Snakes are very smart and have a variety of talents. A Snake seeks power, and usually finds it. She may be attracted to you because of the fact that everyone defers to you. She loves fine things, and saves her money carefully so that she can afford them without hurting her budget. She is far more careful with her money than you are, and if you attempt a relationship with her, she should handle the finances.

Snakes are always calm, even during emergencies. You will appreciate how nothing fazes her, and how even when you are completely beside yourself she never loses her cool for a moment. She is most reassuring when you are in your darkest hour.

You may find a Snake to be a bit "snotty" for you. You do not understand the appeal of expensive clothes and fine art. With you high energy and love of confrontation, you are more likely to enjoy a sporting event than an art gallery. You hate observing social rules and niceties just to climb an invisible ladder of power - you have all the power you need within you already. Although you may make decent friends, the two of you are not likely to function well as lovers.

Compatibility of Tiger Snake couple Tiger Snake Compatibility Horoscope

Comments: Tiger Snake Compatibility Horoscope

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snakie 2018-06-27 02:06:52
Woman earth snake and man fire tiger, any comments please? 4yrs in a bf gf relationship. Wondering if marriage would work long term

Thank you
Amb283 2018-01-28 04:19:02
Must admit..a cap snake female dating an Aquarius tiger male.. amazing sex. I am game for his fantasies. He has no limit to fantasies..which makes me so interested..but he's also slightly closed off..which worries me..anyone else have any advice on how to make cap snake and Aquarius tiger work?
ErA 2017-08-30 17:55:39
I am a Capricorn snake woman married to a Leo tiger man. This is my second marriage and he waited for me for more than a decade. Nothing has been better than this. He understands my needs and what makes me happy. If this doesn't work, then I don't know what will. He has been the force which kept me grounded during my darkest time.
PTR 2016-11-29 12:43:41
Most of this is total B.S. It's entertaining at best, and whilst there are some base characteristics we share as people born in a certain year/month, don't focus on this hocus pocus. I am a male water tiger, and my wife is a fire snake. We are both on our second marriage and we have been married for 5 years now.

We met and married within 2 months because it truly was love at first sight. Therefore, all the snake/tiger incompatibility didn't come into it. Sex 3-4 times a day for the first 3 years dying out to twice a day and that because of work commitments, indicates a healthy relationship. We're always together, we always sit touching each other and everyone whoever meets us always comments on how in love we look and how great we look together.

So the advice I would give you all is this. True love is always putting the other person first. If you do this, it won't matter what you are. It is the only way to guarantee amazing sex and unconditional and eternal love.
luana 2017-10-21 20:33:55
thank you for your beautiful message!! It gives hope
on my relationship with a snake man that I met and appreciate a lot!! we get on really well on all aspects so it's great to read that your experience with a tiger has been great so far!!
MYA 2017-07-15 15:30:58
100 % I am female gemini snake and he is piscean tiger male. How he got me? By putting me first always. Because in front of true love not even stars( star signs 🙂 can resist so I dare you , love and let yourself loved. One day the miracle happens and defeats all known laws.
Text 2017-06-23 12:42:52
Message from PTR
Most of this is total B.S. It's entertaining at best, and whilst there are some base characteristics we share as people born in a certain year/month, don't focus on this hocus pocus. I am a male water tiger, and my wife is a fire snake. We are both on our second marriage and we have been married for 5 years now.

We met and married within 2 months because it truly was love at first sight. Therefore, all the snake/tiger incompatibility didn't come into it. Sex 3-4 times a day for the first 3 years dying out to twice a day and that because of work commitments, indicates a healthy relationship. We're always together, we always sit touching each other and everyone whoever meets us always comments on how in love we look and how great we look together.

So the advice I would give you all is this. True love is always putting the other person first. If you do this, it won't matter what you are. It is the only way to guarantee amazing sex and unconditional and eternal love.

Haven't gotten to the 7 y and the tech yet.
Rhianna 2017-01-28 05:34:30
He is also a male tiger and i a female fire snake. We have been together for over 6 years. Its not alsways smooth, but we are still here
Succulent 2016-09-18 00:39:56
Yea I never knew if he really loved me or not he gets so much attention from other woman it's hard to tell plus at the beginning of our relationship he showed me a picture of this woman he said was his wife oh and theyou would do it with someone else while your watching them ain't worth it its either the money or them.
Kenny 2016-08-03 00:27:00
Im a male snake in a relationship with a female tiger. There was a big initial attraction and good sex?€¦ the first 2 months. Although there is alot of fun and excitement, after the initial attraction wears off these issues do arise.

We both want to be the boss. We are both jealous but me (snake) more than her. She has guy friends. I am sure of her loyalty but it still bothers me sometimes. Also she is always right. I can?€™t tell her anything even when I am actually right. She is not often open minded to see my point of view. The tiger is not one to be tamed or swayed. This is hard for me because I am a natural teacher and philosopher. Also I like to debate. We both have to have the last word. There are many disagreements.

Me (snake) I crave affection (hugs, kisses, flirtatious touching) and she (tiger) does not desire affection or accept mine well and this drives me crazy. I want to kiss her all the time and she doesn?€™t even like French kissing. I do love her so I try to resist my urges to kiss her and hug her?€¦ but I just end up kissing her cheek, temple, or forehead with little reaction from her?€¦ she says she likes it and I?€™m sweet?€¦ but she won?€™t accept my want to French kiss. She literally refuses unless she is drunk.

In the bedroom it is about the same. She neglects my desires and cravings. She doesn?€™t want sex as much as me and refuses on many occasions. She wants what she wants when she wants it and that?€™s it. She is dominant. I enjoy all sex so I usually submit, get her off orally, then have sex until I get off. But I like to be dominant too. It is extremely hard to get a blowjob from her and she would probably never do it if I didn?€™t press the issue, and she still rarely does. I am very nasty and have a high sex drive and I know there are women like me, but I love her so I am faithful. I?€™m hoping things change and hopefully she will want it more but it is almost unbearable to wait. I know i satisfy her, it?€™s just that sex is not as important to her as it is me. She often tells me all I care about is sex and that is very untrue.

She has a beautiful mind and I admire her alot but these issues are almost too much to try to overcome. At first our differences were easy to overcome because the sex was so good?€¦ but now that sex is seldom and it?€™s always her way, our differences outside the bedroom also the aren?€™t worth going through for seldom mediocre sex. At the moment I am trying to be less pushy on the sex issue, but it seems the more I let it go, the longer she goes with out sex. I literally have to ask her to shave her legs so I can eat her out lol. Because she won?€™t have sex if she is too hairy and if she doesn?€™t feel sexy. I really care about her so I am trying to compromise but I honestly don?€™t think it will last. I?€™m hoping I can find a way to end it on good terms and still be friends. I don?€™t want to hurt her but I can?€™t go without affection and a steady sex life. Also for her sake I want her to find someone who doesn?€™t need affection and someone who really connects with her more than I do. She needs someone who is willing to let her boss him around and listen to her interests and dreams. I listen to her but I only connect to certain views of hers less than more. This article is on point I just gave this detailed report hoping I can help someone in a similar situation.

Jesse 2017-06-26 07:21:14
I was really taken by your message, I felt it was very sincere. You should show her this, I know if I read this, I would feel really compassionate. You don't have to say you posted this, but the fact that you reached out, reading and trying to better understand her is so sweet. I think it shows how much you care and want things to get better. I sincerely hope things do. Peace!
Mimi 2017-04-29 05:03:56
I think her attraction to you has died a little bit because of how you don't relate to her on an other levels. I had a boyfriend that literally thought all of my hobbies were stupid. After a while it seemed like the only thing he liked about me was that he could sleep with me. Sex became such a chore & I lost all interest in him. I felt like I was being used for my body. It was a horrible feeling. Women want a heart mind soul connection to give you what you think you deserve in a relationship.
Malik 2016-10-16 09:44:43
This is the exact same for me it's crazy smh
Ang 2016-06-07 04:07:07
I am Wood Snake/ Piscean Frog whose a number 9. I'm have intimate relations with a Wood Tiger/ Aquarian Panther - And I him - I presume
Snake and Tiger 2016-02-18 22:07:35
This combo can be lovable sweet.
gm 2016-01-24 11:37:55
I'm an Aquarian female tiger having an affair with a male Aquarian/Snake. Off the charts sex.

Alice 2016-01-07 15:56:58
Im an earth snake dated a fire tiger very passionate and romantic, likes hair out and the s*x was amazing. Would definately date again.
Vanessa 2015-09-02 17:40:24
I am a earth snake and my partner is a water tiger. The above descriptions fit us perfectly. If we are not getting along we are arguing. Both of us to busy trying to be heard rather than listening. When we are getting along we are best of friends. We have a great sex life, however I am very passionate when it comes to making love and he, really just wants to fuck. I am very affectionate but he is not. He often always gets annoyed with me trying to kiss him and touch him,, however i know he loves me dearly. Affection I long for. He says I'm vain and I only think about myself. He says I am constantly competing with him trying to steal the lime light away from him by interrupting conversations and showing off. He is very opinionated, but so am I and we frequently disagree with each other ideas, thoughts and plans. I am in control of the finances. Even though he believes he is the boss in the relationship he has no issues with me being in charge of the finances...even though really I believe I'm the boss in the relationship. It sounds like a disaster I agree, but our life is always full of fun and adventure. He is a lot older than me but we both believe we are soul mates as he can completely reveal himself and pour his heart out to me - and vice versa. Something neither of us have felt or shared with anyone else.
Anna 2016-02-08 07:39:00
that's wonderful to hear! im happy this tiger+snake is working out 🙂
1000% True description of Snake to how I am 2015-08-16 03:22:53
I am a snake, the description above fits my description a thousand percent.

Jerome 2015-08-15 00:21:08
Yeah not a good Idea tiger but good luck.
AJ 2015-06-19 03:08:57
The most rewarding, exciting, errotic yet loving relationship was with a Tiger. I'm a fire snake and being with him was like entering into a fantasy, a dream..We brought out the best in each other in a way I've never experienced with anyone else.
AR 2015-12-08 02:42:58
I'm a Wooden Tiger and my ex-wife is a Fire Snake but even if I haven't been married to another woman I would never ever accept that treacherous lying b...h back in my life even if she would crawl all four miles from her house to my door begging for forgiveness(which of course not gonna to happen anyway thankfully to her over inflated ego).
But I do love to remind her that first orgasm she had with a man was during our first sex (although she had lost her virginity several years before), that I have been the only man crazy enough to marry her, that her one and only child is mine and she still holds my surname 🙂
John 2016-05-01 16:59:12
Message from AR
I'm a Wooden Tiger and my ex-wife is a Fire Snake but even if I haven't been married to another woman I would never ever accept that treacherous lying b...h back in my life even if she would crawl all four miles from her house to my door begging for forgiveness(which of course not gonna to happen anyway thankfully to her over inflated ego).
But I do love to remind her that first orgasm she had with a man was during our first sex (although she had lost her virginity several years before), that I have been the only man crazy enough to marry her, that her one and only child is mine and she still holds my surname

Every experience can be seen from a different perspective. How each of us feels towards a person, a situation, an experience, is a reflection of where we are at in our human life experience. If we blame something outside ourselves for where we are 'at' we may be giving away our ability to own our own experience, our own feelings, our own reactions. Symbiotic relationships can be workable in the positive and the negative depending on the level of personal freedom one chooses.
Harrow 2015-05-06 08:40:21
a tiger made this snake somewhat insane. I would go back for more. Yep insane. lol
Oshun 2016-04-29 16:19:06
OMG yes! I'm a Fire Snake and my Tiger drives me Batty. He's absolute Batshit, and yet we have this passionate chemistry...he says the "best sex of his life" is with me and he's 16 yrs. older than me (Yaaay #teamSnakes!)but when we're not wrapped up in our erotic fantasies, his world view drives.me.up.the.wall. He thinks he can tell me what to do and you know what I told him? I said "most of the time I think sitting on your face is the best way to get you to stfu." Yah, I said it in public, but we were alone and he giggled. Idk...guess we're both nuts. xD
Maria 2015-04-27 05:45:04
I'm a cancer female fire tiger fallen for a Taurus earth snake. He's my soulmate
Marcos T 2015-03-14 11:38:49
As the Tiger (Aquarian) I'm into art and fashion including technology/science. My partner who is a Snake (Tarus) prefers zen and into change, what is posted here doesn't even reflect who we are, completely off the mark!
Adil 2015-02-04 00:09:06
I wish they wear fine dresses and discuss arts. I have never liked one sign consistently and that is snake woman. I find their stinginess very repulsive along with their refusal to try anything new at all. Like if they think sedan is best there is no way you can convince them that BMW m5 is the best sedan (assuming money not being issue here). For them Camry is the best because it ticks all points for sedan. Extra marks like style, power is waste for them. Same goes everywhere- I find their dressing too conservative. Refuse even to try new styles.

May be if you can high class woman who is brought up in style and power then you can go with her. If You moved social ladder up then it might be issue. I suspect same to be true if you move down social ladder. Overall I found all to be emotionally flatfooted. Like trying to see with a weak thread.
LoA 2015-04-13 07:18:55
You attract what you put out there so maybe the problem is a little closer to home. I am none of the things you describe as a snake woman.
Water Tiger Scorpio Sun Aries Moon 2014-09-26 18:44:05
Thanks. I think we will get along fine. I want to spoil my Fire Snake Cancer Sun Virgo Asc and Virgo moon Woman!

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