2012 Horoscope for Aquarius Zodiac Sign

2012 Horoscope Aquarius

Astrology forecast for 2012, the year of the Black Water Dragon. 2012 Horoscope for people born under the Aquarius Zodiac sign.

For those born Aquarius 2012 year of Dragon will be a year of action.

There is an ample amount of energy needing release. 2012 is time to make your move. Sound your battle cry and use a little of the unique originality you were born with. Your creativity is being summoned for the greater good. A coming of age transformation, no matter how old you are, is under way, and it is happening fast. How exciting!

You can expect much action and focus on communications, with Mercury, the Moon, and Pluto occupying this 2012 year the area of your horoscope that relates to siblings and short trips, and anything that assists this, like cars and kindles, ipods and androids. Our world is rich with communication devices in ways never seen before on Earth, (that we can remember). The lost continent of Atlantis is said to have surpassed our technological advances. There is a supportive trine aspect with mars that is truly a blessing. You will feel called to humanitarian causes, perhaps you will be a spokesman for these causes. There is an urgent sense of needed change, an enough is enough energy that will agitate you into speaking out. This impatient energy will be well-grounded as well. There is something you are building on, a solid foundation is being laid for you to stand upon.

Being an Aquarius you are mostly going to enjoy all this fast action and energy. Uranus is your ruling Planet granting you with the urge to be free, truthful and independent. Aquarius is often the rebel genius, who enjoys shocking others. A trait that helps you to thumb your nose at convention. Pluto, one of the indicators of the soul's evolutionary path, is also out to transform your communications. This 2012 year of Dragon you will feel drawn to create harmony through your words or art, self-expression is much needed and with Pluto contacting Venus in your 5th house of creativity you can bet something beautiful will come out of you; this situation is harmonizing.

Neptune in aspect to Saturn will help you feel a sense of structure to a very unstructured transformation. This 2012 year you may not be used to having to discipline yourself, it's so restricting, but with Saturn, the task master, in your house of identity, you will come across as very grounded and dependable- this energy will add an air of authority to all you do. The discipline will make sense now and you will feel grateful for the boundaries.

Chiron with Venus will provide you this 2012 year of Dragon with very healing experiences relating to children, creativity, or romance. Perhaps you will meet someone now who helps you heal this area of your life. If you were stifling your creative self for any reason now you can expect a liberation of sorts, a liberation that may take some effort on your part- resist resistance and you will make fabulous strides towards your positive evolution.

Jupiter, planet of expansion, faith and Vision in 2012 is in your house of partnerships and negotiations With Jupiter here you can expect luck relating to these areas of your life. A buoyant expansion of activity will leave you feeling blessed with a sense of wonder. Expect synchronicity that shifts your perspective and opens your mind to formerly unseen possibilities. Your sense of self is going to be changed as well. A more creative, perhaps a much deeper you is emerging through all this lucky expansion. Use your discretion when forming new partnerships, but do expect serendipity to arrive at some point this year. You will be learning much about partnership which can be tricky for an Aquarian, but all the magic surrounding these lessons will help you accept the process and appreciate partnerships in new ways.

2012 year of Dragon is certainly a year with many developments. Exciting changes will keep you busy and your sense of purpose will be clear. You will not be able to stop yourself from rushing in and making a difference, follow your instincts and you will not be lead astray. Your originality will be noticed and your relationships will be productive, supportive, and rewarding. Hard work and originality will pay big dividends this 2012 year. Any transition can be difficult, good or bad, but the Aquarian parts of you will be reveling in all this newness. You are changing the status quo, just like you were born to do, and you will feel that sense of right all the way down to your toes in 2012.

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