2018 Love Horoscope for Scorpio Zodiac Sign

2018 Love Horoscope Scorpio

Scorpio Love Horoscope 2018 for the year of the Yellow Earth Dog

Intense Scorpios have the mystical planet Neptune to rule their romantic life. This shows you have full-blown roses and chocolates romantic streak and your dates must match the illusion or you will ditch them quickly. Finding your lover in saggy sweatpants and messy hair will turn you off. Take care to look after yourself and your partner and be respectful of their sensibilities regarding dress.

Mars stimulates your romantic life from February 19th to March 21st and brings heat and energy to flagging libidos. Things can get hot a sweaty as your love life experiences the potent heat of Mars. This could be a time to fall pregnant so watch out for that. Single people will have many chances to find love and if you are married you will ignite the flames of passion again.

The New Moon on March 17th is in your love life area and this suggests you will either start a new love affair or bring life to a flagging old romance. If you have been getting rather comfortable in your love life and perhaps letting things slip a bit this New Moon will give you a moment to shape up and start again. Romance needs nurturing and this is a good time to say thank you to your lover for being in your life.

This year Neptune is still in your romance zone which typically brings elusive love. You may have the illusion of romance but after the dust settles that may have only been a mirage. The passage of Mars through your love zone will be the moment for you to grab the love you want. This fiery energy will blast away any confusion and you will see clearly.

Committed Relationships

When you get serious about someone you get practical and look into their background, finances and past lovers. If you don't like what you see you will terminate the relationship. Before any marriage proposal hits the table you will have done your homework and know exactly who you are getting into bed with. There are no surprises for Scorpios in the nuptials department. This works both ways and you like a partner who has some mystery about them.

Venus passes through your marriage and commitment area from April 1st to April 25th this harmonious energy is a strong message for Scorpios as Venus rules your marriage zone in the natural wheel and Venus is very strong here. For Scorpios this will be an opportunistic time to get married. At this time, it will likely be a glorious event and the wedding itself can be slightly over the top.

May will be a super busy month for you and your love life. The Sun is in your couple's zone from April 21st to May 22nd this is a good time in the year to be happy with your partner. Just being together will be enough. You will find fun times with your lover and enjoy each other's company. Your heart will be most important now and you will relish special moments with your partner.

The May 15th New Moon will be a good day for your relationships. If you are single you may decide to become a couple and if you are in a serious relationship, or married, you could find renewed things that attract you to each other. The bonds of a long term relationship can sometimes wear down but they will be reinforced at this time as the New Moon provides a restart moment for Scorpios.

In May your close personal relationships will receive a shake-up as the planet of the unexpected Uranus enters your marriage zone. If you are single you may decide to get married and unfortunately if you are already married you may think the opposite and decide to break it off. This strong energy will be immediately in effect and you can prepare to be surprised by your partner and this will continue for a few years.

The Uranus' drive for freedom is a powerful energy and this does not sit well for one-on-one relationships. The best way to handle this urge is to be more relaxed and less confining jointly. Take up individual daily interests and then come back together for an evening to tell your tales. In this way you can keep the partnership going by injecting new life gleaned independently but shared together.

Lost Love

After May when Uranus enters Taurus you can look out for the stations of Uranus and this year it happens during the third quarter of the year on August 7th. For the week before and after this date take care of your relationships as they may take an unexpected turn. You could find yourself in a new relationship and suddenly it is going in another direction that the one you signed up for, but by November 6th things settle down a bit when Uranus once again moves away. Understand that the challenges of one-to-one commitments will be tested later next year as this unique energy once again comes to your marriage and serious partnership sector.

You will have some respite from the excitability and unexpectedness of the normal partnership. This may be because one of you have taken a break away or you decide to be a stay at home person for a few months and so your marriage changes gear. This shift in the pace of life will resume later as Uranus again moves forward in 2019.

Your romantic side will be subdued around June 18th and November 25th as Neptune pauses and hesitates. At this time, you can be comfortable with your lover as your romance has reached a slow down period. Take pains to be less busy and enjoy the reduced pace of life. Use this time to simply be with each other and happy in your peace.

As with all the other signs avoid a wedding when Venus is retrograde between the dates of October 5th and November 16th as this will not be good enough energy to sustain a promising union.

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Read Scorpio 2018 monthly horoscopes for the following months:

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Comments: 2018 Love Horoscope Scorpio

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Dixie Normas 2017-05-24 09:46:09
I'm Loving My Horoscopes! Always Spot On. 🙂

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