health horoscope

Health Horoscope 2021

The 2021 year of the Ox is around the corner, but we still remember how 2020 COVID-19’s year tested the health of everyone in unimagined ways. But we all got through it, and that not only speaks to human perseverance but the benevolent guidance of the planets as well. Yes, it’s true: the planets - while operating according to their own motives, whims, and directions - want what’s best for us here on Earth so that we can be in harmony with the rest of the universe. And ‘harmony’ is the operative word for 2021. Every sign is going to want to keep their health in harmony during this year, more so than they ever have before.

There’s a great trek of stars happening in January 2021 with every sign’s house receiving a ton of activity. What this means for us on Earth is everyone is going to feel the effects of aging and a dip in the quality of health. Essentially, everything is going to be somewhat magnified and general malaise will cross the planet. This is a normal movement in the cosmos, though, and just as every sign will weather this, they will also bounce back from it in February 2021. Trust in the movement of the stars and know that the universe wants you to be happy and healthy.

Every sign is going to have an extended period of quiet and decompressing. This isn’t just resting. This is an active state where you lower your heart rate and get yourself into a state of recovery. It’s all part of this mortal coil’s need for health and balance and the universe is going to make sure it’s provided for you. Look to the Earth signs to need that balance for a longer stretch of time than other signs. Jupiter and Saturn will be working overtime to deflect any distracting forces so you can just concentrate on quiet and relaxation. It’s the perfect frame of mind to go to whatever quiet space makes sense to you. The local art museum? A botanical garden? The front porch with a nice cup of coffee? The universe and the stars recognize that everyone will have a different place and point of repose. Whatever works for you is the correct answer.

Neptune’s travels across the sky bring with it a lot of repercussions for the health of all of the signs. Although everyone needs to take care of themselves and see medical professionals when necessary, Neptune’s arc also signifies a time to bring in more professional advice on health and physicality. More than anything, it’s time to listen to the body. As we get older, we have more demands placed on us by our physical frame. Listen to those creaks and aches and take them seriously. Scorpio will need to heed those sounds more than any others, although no one is immune. The stars want what’s best for us on this planet and sometimes they speak through a creaking knee. Put your ear to the ground and listen to Gaia’s message, but also stretch and ice yourself. Take care, humans!

By December 2021 everyone will have a clearer sense of the state of their health and what they need to do to proceed. Some signs - such as Leo and Scorpio - will have hit a perfect nodal high in their health at this time: the perfect way to cap off the year. Others will be struggling with health issues of varying degrees of severity. Trust in the ebb and flow of the universe that these are patterns that you’ve weathered before and will do so again. Isn’t that essentially the definition of harmony and what we’re all striving towards?

Health Horoscope 2021 by Zodiac sign

March 21 - April 20
Aries 2021

Health Horoscope 2021 for natives of the Aries sign compiled for the period of the 2021 year of the White Ox.

April 21 - May 21
Taurus 2021

Health Horoscope 2021 for natives of the Taurus sign compiled for the period of the 2021 year of the White Ox.

May 22 - June 21
Gemini 2021

Health Horoscope 2021 for natives of the Gemini sign compiled for the period of the 2021 year of the White Ox.

June 22 - July 22
Cancer 2021

Health Horoscope 2021 for natives of the Cancer sign compiled for the period of the 2021 year of the White Ox.

July 23 - August 23
Leo 2021

Health Horoscope 2021 for natives of the Leo sign compiled for the period of the 2021 year of the White Ox.

August 24 - September 22
Virgo 2021

Health Horoscope 2021 for natives of the Virgo sign compiled for the period of the 2021 year of the White Ox.

September 23 - October 22
Libra 2021

Health Horoscope 2021 for natives of the Libra sign compiled for the period of the 2021 year of the White Ox.

October 23 - November 21
Scorpio 2021

Health Horoscope 2021 for natives of the Scorpio sign compiled for the period of the 2021 year of the White Ox.

November 22 - December 21
Sagittarius 2021

Health Horoscope 2021 for natives of the Sagittarius sign compiled for the period of the 2021 year of the White Ox.

December 22 - January 20
Capricorn 2021

Health Horoscope 2021 for natives of the Capricorn sign compiled for the period of the 2021 year of the White Ox.

January 21 - February 19
Aquarius 2021

Health Horoscope 2021 for natives of the Aquarius sign compiled for the period of the 2021 year of the White Ox.

February 20 - March 20
Pisces 2021

Health Horoscope 2021 for natives of the Pisces sign compiled for the period of the 2021 year of the White Ox.

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Will your Zodiac sign succeed in taking the Bull by the horns? With help of the Chinese Horoscope 2021 and astrology overview for the year of White Metal Ox, we can see more clearly what awaits us in 2021.

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Health Horoscope 2021
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