Zodiac signs Well
May 2021 Horoscope

May 2021 Horoscope


May 2021 Horoscope monthly Overview

Life in the 2nd house is never as it seems, and most zodiacs experience transformations that are rapid and incredibly unreal compared to other astrological domains. It might be the fact that May lives along the cusp of the season’s change from spring to summer, and this geographical placement forces the zodiacs to prepare and renew. For zodiacs like Taurus, Capricorn, and Leo the effects of May are taken well and it’s a time of slight rebirth; but others like Cancer, Aquarius, and Aries will be forced to face internal contemplations. Other signs like Libra, Scorpio, and Pisces will tap into vulnerable and emotional sides; while signs like Gemini, Sagittarius, and Virgo will focus on controlling their feelings. May is a month that is meant to prepare the signs for the next chapter in the calendar, and with the aid of rapid speed and logical influences, zodiacs will come out ready to take on the cosmics.

The first week of May flies in a full blast from the galaxy crashing into the souls of the zodiacs with intensity. It begins even before May 1st with Pluto entering retrograde on April 27th. Pluto Retrograde will bring destruction to the lives of the zodiacs, but also place them through a metamorphosis. The Last Quarter Moon shining over Aquarius on the 3rd will make the zodiacs look within and scrutinize their behaviors. Many will do this with ease and the influence of the moon will not take them out of character, but other signs will find it difficult to face themselves. At the same time, Mercury will enter Gemini and erupt a surge of words to be expelled from the mouths of every single zodiac. This will be a significant part of the zodiac experience in May, and their thoughts and phrases will affect them for a lifetime. Jupiter quintiles Uranus on the 5th, laying a soft blanket on the universe and making people feel joy out of everyday things. Zodiacs will seek comfortability, goodness, and friendship as well as relate easier to others. The next day on the 6th, True Node sextiles Chiron, and the signs will bask in skin creams and vitamins. It’s an atmosphere of health and positive self-consciousness that allows the zodiacs to focus on the future. By the week’s end, Venus will have entered Gemini, and the real summer games will begin to come to life.

Mid-may is when the zodiacs accept their new realities and begin to practically experience them. On the 11th, a new moon in Taurus will create an atmosphere of desire to financially organize yourself, while looking into your vanity as well. On the 13th the zodiacs will feel very sensitive, for Jupiter will enter soft-hearted Pisces and reign an influence of empathy. This can be good for some signs that are more rigid, but dangerous to those who are already emotional. May 19th brings a New Quarter Moon and will be the day the zodiacs dress up in their finest attire. The next day on the 20th the sun will enter Gemini, inspiring the zodiacs and making them feel triumphant in their accomplishments.

The last few days of May are not the smoothest, and the blast from the rocket launching into summer will be rocky and turbulent. Saturn, a planet of discipline and structure, will begin to move backwards on the 23rd. Most signs will feel like their ambitions are suddenly put to a halt and their sense of control will feel weak. Saturn’s Retrograde will feel like hitting the brakes going 100 miles an hour, and it may cause a crash in some zodiacs. The Lunar Eclipse follows this regressional movement and places a “closed” sign on the window of the zodiacs’ souls. It will be a quiet night for several and a comfortable night for the few. The month ends with one of astrology's most feared events: Mercury Retrograde. Mercury’s energy will reverse on the 29th, causing havoc for the zodiacs. While some will handle this cosmic phenomenon with grace, others will fall into its trap. It must be stressed, however, that although Mercury’s energy is one of the strongest energy reversals in the solar system, it's only powerful in its first few days.

Yes, May is exciting! It should be seen positively because even the more darker events are meant to bring light for every zodiac. This month is a time of change and vulnerability, and it will serve as the last cold front from the remnants of winter and spring. The summer is a different zone that moves too quickly, therefore May needs to prepare the zodiacs with only a pinch-worth of time. Not only is every zodiac capable of taking on the pressures that May will bring, but their soul is one with the mechanisms of the universe and they’re connected with the “everything” that is and does. In the 2nd house, you will never expect what you assume, but you will always find a treasure you never knew was there. Take a breath, hold tight, and get ready for the season of individuality and renewal!

May 2021 Horoscope for 12 Zodiac Signs

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