Taurus Love Horoscope 2015 for the year of the Green Wood Ram
During 2015 many Bulls will have to change their private life by making a personal effort or due to circumstances.
Single Bulls who are born any time between May 4 and May 12 and longing for marriage will have such an opportunity. You may be surprised by how dynamic and fast your new relations will be. Don't wait long to make a decision to get married - a new status will allow you to drastically change your life for the better. Married Bulls who were born during the indicated period will also experience new emotions in their relations. If you have been married for a long time and feel that it has started to burden you, you may decide to ask for a divorce in 2015. And don't be sad about being alone: as soon as you make a decision to part ways or tell your partner about it, new relations will start pouring into your life. Thus, loneliness is not in the cards for you - don't be afraid of it. Those Bulls whose relations are sturdy will note that their union is evolving: apart from spiritual closeness, you may be united by a common goal, project and a promising business endeavour.
During April 1-May 12 Taurus will be actively looking for its other half. Without even noticing, you'll be showing more interest in the opposite sex; you'll be provoking someone you like to act a certain way toward you and you can absolutely count on new romantic relations which will not only give you a surge of wonderful emotions, but may lead to a new family.
Anytime from June 15 till September 18 of 2015 married Bulls should be especially considerate toward their partners. Your relations may cool off slightly; you may not care about your partner's opinion or you may be unwilling to do things together. But this doesn't mean a separation is brewing; this only indicates that you should solve the problems that you encountered in the past and that were not fully solved back then. Perhaps, you will have to make certain compromises or accept some concessions even if they are hardly to your advantage. But family life is exactly that: it consists of compromises and concessions; otherwise, a normal productive union is not possible.
During the period of September 26-November 12 single Taurus will have a chance to find new love and new relations. You will be drawn to those partners who have a potential to become your spouse. Be active during this time if you want to have a successful personal life.
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