Health Horoscope 2023

Health Horoscope 2023

2023 is a rather promising astrological year. With some troublemaking planets changing signs, we're almost guaranteed to experience a change in the air for the better. Now one thing that often is overlooked is global health. We usually want to pay attention to two planets when investigating health matters: Jupiter and Saturn.

If you remember, back in 2020 (and who can forget that year), the conjunction of these two planets and Pluto instigated the global scare. The good news is that such a transit won't happen again for at least a few decades, and 2023 has a much more pleasant interaction between these two.

For most of the year, Saturn and Jupiter will be sextile one another. This is a subtle yet favourable transit that's usually here to strengthen humanity. Especially since Saturn enters Pisces this year—a sign ruled by Jupiter— we can expect scares like the aforementioned to be completely absent (thank God). Having Saturn, the planet of difficulty, be governed by Jupiter for the next two and a half years is a rather auspicious configuration. Jupiter is classically known as the Great Benefic, and therefore the most lucky of all the visible planets.

This is important because having this rulership means that Saturn has to play by Jovial rules. Even if Saturn might be the planet of depression, difficulty and chronic illness by traditional standards, in Pisces, it has to carry out these significations in a more benefic way. One of the ways that's made possible is through the field of pharmaceuticals.

Pisces has an intrinsic relationship with drugs of all kinds, and with Saturn there, we're sure to expect significant breakthroughs in how we heal and tend to the sick as chemists and healers are all put to hard work under such configuration. With Jupiter also transiting through Taurus (the sign of finances) for most of the year, we might also find that we're finally more financially stable globally to invest in things such as natural medicine.

Another planet in Pisces worth mentioning is Neptune, whose transit coincided with breakthroughs in the area of natural medicine and the legalization of herbal healing substances that had been blacklisted for most of the modern era. Although much of this progress had a more recreational focus, with Saturn joining in in the mix, these substances are likely to be more thoroughly studied, resulting in more constructive regulations.

The sign that opposes Pisces, Virgo, is also closely tied with themes of healing, especially herbalism. A transit we might want to pay attention to when considering this life sphere is the Mercury and Jupiter trine in August. Mercury is said to be exalted in Virgo, which can point towards the inception of new healing techniques. Because Mars, the planet of surgeries, will also be located in the sign during the transit that happens on the 9th of August, this progress might be focused on such topics.

Save that date on your calendar and watch the news.

2023 is an overall breath of fresh air. Things finally seem like they're moving towards something substantially better. While 2022 certainly had its moments here and there, you'll find that we haven't even scratched the surface yet. Without any major health scares and many technological advances that can help us heal quicker and live longer lives, we're sure to have a good time moving forward. Although things are looking up, you might still want to look at your 6th house throughout the year since that's the place that can give you a better idea of your personal health. The cardinal signs (Cancer, Capricorn, Aries and Libra) might want to pay close attention to these transits since Saturn in Pisces can bring your attention to your overall body and health. Still, even if there's anything particularly concerning on the horizon, it looks like the remedy is more than likely to be available.

Good luck, and stay healthy, everyone!

Health Horoscope 2023 by Zodiac sign

March 21 - April 20
Aries 2023

Health Horoscope 2023 for natives of the Aries sign compiled for the period of the 2023 year of the Black Rabbit.

April 21 - May 21
Taurus 2023

Health Horoscope 2023 for natives of the Taurus sign compiled for the period of the 2023 year of the Black Rabbit.

May 22 - June 21
Gemini 2023

Health Horoscope 2023 for natives of the Gemini sign compiled for the period of the 2023 year of the Black Rabbit.

June 22 - July 22
Cancer 2023

Health Horoscope 2023 for natives of the Cancer sign compiled for the period of the 2023 year of the Black Rabbit.

July 23 - August 23
Leo 2023

Health Horoscope 2023 for natives of the Leo sign compiled for the period of the 2023 year of the Black Rabbit.

August 24 - September 22
Virgo 2023

Health Horoscope 2023 for natives of the Virgo sign compiled for the period of the 2023 year of the Black Rabbit.

September 23 - October 22
Libra 2023

Health Horoscope 2023 for natives of the Libra sign compiled for the period of the 2023 year of the Black Rabbit.

October 23 - November 21
Scorpio 2023

Health Horoscope 2023 for natives of the Scorpio sign compiled for the period of the 2023 year of the Black Rabbit.

November 22 - December 21
Sagittarius 2023

Health Horoscope 2023 for natives of the Sagittarius sign compiled for the period of the 2023 year of the Black Rabbit.

December 22 - January 20
Capricorn 2023

Health Horoscope 2023 for natives of the Capricorn sign compiled for the period of the 2023 year of the Black Rabbit.

January 21 - February 19
Aquarius 2023

Health Horoscope 2023 for natives of the Aquarius sign compiled for the period of the 2023 year of the Black Rabbit.

February 20 - March 20
Pisces 2023

Health Horoscope 2023 for natives of the Pisces sign compiled for the period of the 2023 year of the Black Rabbit.

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