Aquarius Horoscope 2022

Aquarius Horoscope 2022

Overview of 2022 Astrological events that are vital for the fate of the Zodiac sign Aquarius during the course of the Black Water Tiger Year.

2021 was no easy task for any Aquarius. With Saturn transiting through your 1st house, there's a good chance that the year that just passed changed your view of the world completely. While you're certainly not alone in this sentiment, Aquarius and other fixed signs, in general, have been getting all of the action from the heavens. The bad news is that Saturn will continue to transit through your 1st house for a bit of this year and the next. Still, there are more than a handful of good transits happening this year to help you regain your lust for life. After all, Saturn is only one planet, and there's a whole lot more going on in the sky.

Aquarius 2022 Aquarius 2022 Forecast

A stolid start of the 2022 year for Aquarius

The year starts a little stolid. The Venus retrograde happening in your 12th house shouldn't affect you too much, especially if you don't have any important planets in that house (like your Sun and your Moon). Still, the world will definitely be feeling a certain degree of tension when it comes to establishing and maintaining relationships. With that being said, that doesn't mean that you won't have some inner work to do. The 12th house is closely connected with the idea of self-love, and the planet of love and pleasure being retrograde in there will definitely ask you some questions about your relationship with yourself. This would be an excellent time to let go of self-deprecating behaviour and old habits that no longer serve you. In other words, January will be the month to get your mental health in check.

The good news is that Jupiter will be in your favour this year, helping you attain some Aquarian bliss through tangible goods and some financial stability. The Greater Benefic will be transiting through your 2nd house of money and resources throughout all of the 1st quarter. You can be excited to get some good cash flow coming your way this year. You can treat yourself without any guilt. After all, you did survive 2021, and that should be celebrated. Just be sure to save some of those goods for later, since in March, we do have a bit of a re-run of 2021 with the first Mars and Uranus square of the year.

Aquarius Horoscope 2022 Tiger Year Aquarius Horoscope 2022 for the Water Tiger Year

Jupiter to the rescue in 2022

This first square will be hitting your 1st and 4th house. It could likely bring back some of the discomforts you felt last year. This could be manifest with the sudden urge to move or just an aversion to being stuck at home. Maybe it would be wise to change things up a bit to help that sense of restlessness calm down a little. If your home doesn't feel the most comfortable, maybe you could pay a visit to some friends or even some family members. Although the 4th house deals with family matters as well, it could point at some conflict in that regard. Perhaps some old family matters that need to be cleared up that you don't want to deal with will come up. If that's the case, running will only make it worse. Face them, and get it done with, it may be a little awkward, but you won't regret it.

Moving on along, Venus joins Jupiter in your 2nd house, bringing some more good news. Money seems like it won't be much of a problem this year, given Venus will go conjunct with Jupiter in her degree of exaltation. This means you can expect some financial assistance from women in your life. Maybe a change of bosses at work warrants you a raise, or it could even be that you find a new job altogether. Things are definitely looking promising. If you have any planets in your 10th house, pay attention to transits that involve it, it will give you strong hints about where to find this mysterious woman with a pot of gold.

Aquarius Horoscope 2022 Aquarius Horoscope 2022 for the Zodiac Sign

Jupiter transiting Aquarius 3rd House of Sharing

After Jupiter and Venus are done bringing you some material goods, both planets will move on to Aries. Jupiter transiting your 3rd house makes for good self-expression and learning. Since the planet will be staying there from May to early 2023, this could be a new learning cycle for all the Aquarius. Jupiter will illuminate your life areas that need a little extra attention, and it will show you how to know what you need to optimize your life. The 3rd house also deals with media, indicating an auspicious year for those working in that area. Aries is a hot and lively sign that has a real focus on the self, so there's a good chance for the works of Aquarian teachers, writers, and content creators to get some extra recognition this year.

The one rough transit of the year, though, is the triple conjunction happening in your 4th house. This will involve Mars, Uranus, and the North Node of the Moon, which can make the atmosphere fertile for some quite unpleasant and unexpected events. This is happening in August, so pay extra attention to your family's needs at around that time. Mars in Taurus makes us prone to bottling up emotions, but the combination of those two other bodies will make anything that's been obscured come to the surface at the most inconvenient times. Beware of secrets, and if any tough conversations need to happen with some nosey family members, it's best to do it before August.

Aquarius Horoscope 2022 Forecast Aquarius Horoscope 2022 Work and Finance

End of 2022 on a lighter note with a retrograde Jupiter

As this transit slowly begins to cool down, Uranus goes back into action with a Saturn square in your 1st and 4th house. This is a throwback to 2021 since this was the transit that characterized the year's most significant events. Because this is happening in Aquarius, your 1st house, it could be pointing towards balancing some power struggles that didn't get a full resolution in the previous year. Tread this month gently, and things will work out for the best.

After all of this ruckus, 2022 ends on a much lighter note with a Jupiter retrograde. This will send the planet back into your 2nd house of finances. This could represent some bonuses or some extra financial benefits that seem to come out of nowhere. The last noteworthy astrological event of the year will make the third quarter's challenges seem totally worth it. 2022 is a year of Aquarian expansion.

Video: Aquarius Horoscope 2022

Aquarius Horoscope 2022 ♒ Links & Reference

🐍 Horoscope 2025, the Green Wood Snake Year's Forecasts

🐯 Aquarius Horoscope 2022, yearly Forecast

Through the Horoscope 2022 and astrological forecast for the year of Black Tiger, you can lift a veil of what we'll go through in the coming 2022 year, adopt its main characteristics and trends.

💥 Actual Aquarius Horoscope

More horoscopes and currently actual forecasts for the Zodiac sign Aquarius:

🗓 Monthly Horoscope 2022

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Aquarius Horoscope 2022

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Mary 2021-10-22 08:09:00
Don't worry. What's going to happen is happening. Just do your best

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