Cancer Gemini

Cancer Gemini Compatibility Horoscope

Cancer 💖 Gemini Compatibility

Love Compatibility Horoscope

Cancer and Gemini Compatibility Horoscope

Different by nature, Cancer man and Gemini woman met, fell in love with each other, and even set up a marriage, which, according to the compatibility horoscope, will not last too long. These zodiac signs are not just in conflict - they are in constant opposition to each other, and cannot even find a common conversation topic.

The Cancer man is diligent, practical, he dislikes large noisy parties with friends. He strives for solitude and calm, and always wants to have his home and family so as to feel the harmony of happiness in its entirety. Gemini woman from the beginning was not like an ideal guardian of the house, which Cancer had imagined her to be, but he liked this woman, fell in love with her, and decided that she would be very good for this role, just need to try and re-educate her. Cancer man hopes that with his love, patience, and tact, he will be able to radically change his sweetheart.

Gemini woman is always searching for herself. She is very dynamic, impulsive, moving from side to side is peculiar to her. She cannot immediately take decisions because she is afraid to make an all-out mistake.

The Gemini woman feels the most herself in the company of friends, where she always has admirers. She quickly gets tired of Cancer man's boring speeches, and she strives to get away from home and spend time with friends and girlfriends. It seems she will never be bored of noisy celebrations: Gemini woman likes compliments, loves fans, and the poor Cancer man in the future will have plenty reasons to be jealous of his woman.

As the Cancer man deeply goes through this situation, he goes crazy with jealousy. Realizing that he cannot return his beloved, and bitterly lamenting his love, the Cancer man may be closed from the outside world so that no one would see him. The inconsolable Cancer man does not understand that if he was more liberated and less boring - he would have been able to melt the heart of the Gemini woman, who is not also looking for love, but an open and emotional love.

The Air and Water elements, which bring about changes in relations between the spouses, cannot contribute to the productive dialogue between a Cancer man and Gemini woman. Any agreement that arises between them and any reconciliation has a very shaky foundation, and these rarely occurring positive moments are ready to fall apart immediately under the heat of new resentments and passions. The compatibility horoscope does not recommend a union between these zodiac signs.

Cancer & Gemini Compatibility Cancer Gemini Compatibility Horoscope

Comments: Cancer Gemini Compatibility Horoscope

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Linny Jay 2017-07-04 14:39:35
Definitely my husband and me. We've been married for 3 years and it has been a roller-coaster of a journey. He is always mad at me and I really wish he would try to communicate better and realise that I am not a mind reader. I also wish he would use the corresponding behavior for the corresponding mood or emotion he is feeling so I won't accidentally hurt his feelings. I conclude that my husband is crazy, which got me thinking that maybe I am way crazier for putting up with his craziness. Those mood swings of him will drive into a nervous breakdown one of these days, but when he is good...he is very very VERY good. Totally addictive. So yeah, I love my crazy beautiful man, and so far, I am more than willing to put up with whatever goes on with him because I know, eventually, when he finally decides to snap out of it, he will be totally worth it. My cancer man is my drug of choice, and I'll hang on just for those moments of 'high'. Aah...the Gemini in me, ever the optimist.
HeliosEos 2023-11-20 03:13:08
It sounds like you’ve experienced a wide array of emotions and challenges in your marriage, yet your love and optimism seem to prevail. The dichotomy of your descriptions suggests that, despite the difficulties, you find deep satisfaction and fulfillment with your partner when things are going well.

Your description touches on a few key themes that are often present in relationships:

Good communication is the bedrock of any healthy relationship. Your desire for your husband to communicate more effectively is entirely reasonable. Perhaps you could gently suggest methods of communication that might work better for both of you, such as setting aside a specific time to talk about any issues calmly and without distractions.

Understanding Emotional Cues:
It's common for people to struggle with expressing their emotions in ways that others understand. Your wish for your husband to match his behaviors with his mood is also understandable. Relationships often require a learning curve where partners gradually learn to read each other's emotions and signals. This can be achieved over time with patience and a willingness to learn from each other.

Handling Mood Swings:
Dealing with mood swings can be taxing, both emotionally and mentally. It's important to establish boundaries for yourself and to take care of your own well-being. If his mood swings are extreme, it's also worth considering if there might be an underlying cause that could be addressed with professional help.

The Optimistic Gemini:
Your Gemini nature may indeed give you a positive outlook on life and can be beneficial in dealing with relationship challenges. It can help you adapt to various situations and maintain hope for better times. Your adaptability is a strength that can see you through many of life's trials.

Finding Balance:
While love and optimism are wonderful, it's vital to ensure that you're not sacrificing more than you’re comfortable with in the relationship. It sounds like the high points with your Cancer man are truly rewarding, but don’t forget to honor your own needs and feelings. Holding onto those 'high' moments is natural, but in the long term, consistent effort from both partners is required for a healthy relationship.

Seeking Support:
Since you mentioned the potential for a nervous breakdown, it may be beneficial to seek support. This can come in the form of therapy, support groups, or reaching out to trusted friends or family. It's crucial to have an outlet for your own emotions and stresses.

Remember that every relationship has its seasons and cycles, and it's okay to seek help to navigate them. If you find that the roller-coaster is too much, don't hesitate to reach out for professional relationship advice. It could be beneficial for both of you to engage in couple's therapy. Professional guidance can help in improving communication, understanding one another's emotional languages, and setting those important boundaries for personal mental and emotional health.

Your dedication and love are clear—it’s just as important to ensure the relationship is the healthiest it can be for both of you. Love should be nurturing and supportive, as well as exhilarating.
Mike j 2017-06-30 06:52:50
I am a cancer man and I love my Gemini woman like I have never loved before. I place her beautiful mind and body on a pedestal and adore her like a walking miracle. I do get moody and sometimes question her impulsive and seemingly flighty ways, but I accept her for the Gemini she is and continue to love her deeply. She is forgiving and understanding (after the fact) and I can't blame her for not understanding what im mad about because I never told her until I was already on fire with anger! But if I cool off and give it a little time she listens and understands my fluid watery mind. Cancer men: communicate what your feeling in a logical rational mature way , and she will understand. Gemini women: this man will die for you and be there for you until his last breath. Accept his internal watery fluid emotional nature , the storm will pass, clouds separate, and the sun will shine in just a few moments. Like a passing summer thunderstorm that reveals a beautiful sunny day, this cancer man is just loving you in his own crabby way. Honesty, loyalty and faithfulness. That's all this Cancer man requires. Oh, and affection. Lots of affection. That's it. And you will have the most devoted man on this planet.
Corrina N. 2016-06-16 18:36:45
This article sucks!!! My boyfriend is a Cancer and I am a Gemini and we definitely don't have these issues.
Emerald mills 2016-04-06 02:19:00
I'm Gemini girl and been married to my cancer husband for over 14 years..At this point I've survived such a terrible marriage..smh..being the cancer that he is he is extremely moody,one minute he is calm and happy next he is yelling,and next thing thing you know all hell breaks loose;-( i never like to argue, he will bickle and nag over the most littles petty things,and me being a Gemini hate it,I try to avoid arguing at all cost, when I tell him I want to chill with my friends or family he will cut me off and start assuming I'm out to see another or make up any reason so I won't go.He cuts me off from being a Gemini, I crave for my freedom and need to breath, I suffocate each day to get away I need my own space to enjoy my sense of freedom. I love my cancer man in so many ways, we both enjoy a good conversation together and love to agree or debate on many different subjects and I love that I get to express my views with him. He is very jealous, such a jealous person that he scares the crap out of me.I expect him to trust me so much but being a cancer he finds it so hard to do that and this is the reason why he is a very jealous person. He lacks in communication I hate that he never tells me how he feels in a civil way but in a angry way.I wish he could open up to me in a sensible manner and enjoy my company. Another thing is he just doesn't want to do anything go for night drives, adventure walks,hiking, beach walks or even movies and dinner or anything,being the cancer man he is he prefers to stay home and watch movies on the couch That's his ideal date I absolutely hate it. I am bored to the bone. At this point I think I've given up I just want to run towards the beautiful wind and let it take me far far away......
Chrystyana 2015-09-02 01:48:43
Depends on the education, depends on the age... Depends, also on other factors, like religious views, lifestyles, cultural background.

My Cancer man is very sensible, deeply emotional and spontaneous (I could see this many times). He also keeps telling me that he is (quoting him here) "charmed" by me and that he loves me deeply. He does have moods, and we had several sudden fights on minor (for me, but major for him) problems.

And we were on the edge of breakup, because he has just shut me out. But I insisted on asking him to communicate, I have apologised for hurting him (even when I had absolutely no idea of what was going on!). And, paradoxicaly, from each such fight, I've learned something new about him, I understood him better. Especially, because, after every fight and make up, he starts to explain me in detail how he things and what it was all about. I only wish he could tell me from the very beginning!

Seems to me that Cancerians believe that the Gemini lady should guess or know everything. I've told to my Cancerian man many times: "Don't overestimate my intelligence or comprehension!I can't know what you think or feel unless you try to tell me openly".

I'm falling for this man. For the first time in so many years, I finally find someone that can make me dream of settling down, and have a family, a child with him. (Of course, I haven't told this to him! LOL).

He is vegetarian like I am, he has travelled the world and did a lot of things in life. He is a man of many talents and skills - painter, writer, poet, researcher, professor, inventor, architect. I mean, if I start thinking of all these and about what it implies, I feel overwhelmed. I'm not a fraction of what this man is, but still, he is so deeply in love with me! I must have done some good on this Earth to be that lucky in this life!

If he admonishes me, I don't get angry, but humble. He is the only person in this world who has this effect on me!

I do respect him and love him and I know that , in all he does, he is well intentioned towards me. He keeps praising my intelligence , but I know that his admiration for me is a divine gift. Like I've told him once, I'm envious on myself - the one that I am, mirrored in his eyes...
Depends on the education, depends on the age... Depends, also on other factors, like religious views, lifestyles, cultural background.

My Cancer man is very sensible, deeply emotional and spontaneous (I could see this many times). He also keeps telling me that he is (quoting him here) "charmed" by me and that he loves me deeply. He does have moods, and we had several sudden fights on minor (for me, but major for him) problems.

And we were on the edge of breakup, because he has just shut me out. But I insisted on asking him to communicate, I have apologised for hurting him (even when I had absolutely no idea of what was going on!). And, paradoxicaly, from each such fight, I've learned something new about him, I understood him better. Especially, because, after every fight and make up, he starts to explain me in detail how he things and what it was all about. I only wish he could tell me from the very beginning!

Seems to me that Cancerians believe that the Gemini lady should guess or know everything. I've told to my Cancerian man many times: "Don't overestimate my intelligence or comprehension!I can't know what you think or feel unless you try to tell me openly".

I'm falling for this man. For the first time in so many years, I finally find someone that can make me dream of settling down, and have a family, a child with him. (Of course, I haven't told this to him! LOL).

He is vegetarian like I am, he has travelled the world and did a lot of things in life. He is a man of many talents and skills - painter, writer, poet, researcher, professor, inventor, architect. I mean, if I start thinking of all these and about what it implies, I feel overwhelmed. I'm not a fraction of what this man is, but still, he is so deeply in love with me! I must have done some good on this Earth to be that lucky in this life!

If he admonishes me, I don't get angry, but humble. He is the only person in this world who has this effect on me!

I do respect him and love him and I know that , in all he does, he is well intentioned towards me. He keeps praising my intelligence , but I know that his admiration for me is a divine gift. Like I've told him once, I'm envious on myself - the one that I am, mirrored in his eyes...
Jo 2015-06-01 02:03:07
Spot on. Great i ended it on time
DEE 2015-05-12 00:33:21
mb 2015-03-20 16:30:31
seriously this my marriage in a nutshell spot on id say
ayerb_luv 2015-03-12 22:23:23
But why has he fallen in love with her? & if he fell in love with her, why would he want to change her? Would changing her be for his benefit or his own?
Kiara Cordero 2014-10-31 23:14:05
Neither is this me and my boyfriend.
Emoney Jones 2014-08-10 05:27:19
This isn't me & my hUsband at all this is a bad article

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