Health Horoscope 2022

Health Horoscope 2022

In astrology, when it comes to analyzing and predicting the future of the global system's health, we always want to look a Pluto. Symbolized by the God of the afterlife and the unquestionable power inherent to chaos and destruction, whenever there are big world events concerning the health and livelihood of many, you know Pluto is involved. The most recent example of this is, of course, the global pandemic of 2020 echoed by the Saturn and Pluto conjunction in Capricorn. With such a grim intro, I know you're already at the edge of your seat, awaiting some catastrophic prediction for 2022. Still, as far as Pluto is concerned, we'll continue to deal with the slow unwinding of this Capricornian cycle led by the Underworld's lord.

Pluto officially leaves Capricorn in 2026, so until then, we'll continue to work around the theme of human power versus the land brought up by this planet/sign combination. As discouraging as this seems, when it comes to Pluto, we're always speaking about the long, long picture. Considering that no other outer planet will be making aspects to Pluto, global health issues won't necessarily aggravate. Still, there are a few transits this year that we might want to pay attention to, just to be on the safe side.

The first transit that might raise some concerns is the Venus retrograde in Capricorn. Even though this retrograde won't be close to Pluto by degree, both Mars and Mercury will be in the same sign, making things slightly complicated. Venus is the only strictly blessed planet in the sign for most of January. She might struggle to carry out her gifts with the pressure from the other planets. This is mainly concerning when it comes to mental health issues since Mercury's presence is something that shouldn't be overlooked. Especially considering that Venus's retrogrades might affect the way we relate to others and feel loved, issues with depression and loneliness could be tricky as we start the year. Make sure to be extra patient with yourself and not be too demanding. Alternatively, given Mars and Pluto's addition to the retrograde, this transit might also bring up physical afflictions resulting from fights or physical altercations. While this significantly depends on where the transit will be happening in your chart, it's best to stay out of people's way; at least as far as January goes.

While we're on the whole Pluto and Mars thing, this intimidating duo will be making its first square in early July. This can bring some tension to many areas of life, but as far as health is concerned, given that Pluto is overcoming Mars in this aspect, the first week of July can be a little tricky for people who play sports or engage in radical activities. Pluto in Capricorn will sometimes imply issues with the bones, while Mars in Aries, with the head. It would be wise to check if either Capricorn or Aries falls in our 6th or 12th house of your chart. If it does, this transit could make you prone to concussions and other mishaps to the head. If you're planning on doing any risky Summer activity around the 1st week of July, it would be wise to reschedule it. With that said, Jupiter will also be in Aries, mitigating the effects of this transit considerably. Knowing that this transit is not a significant reason for concerns, just be careful.

Another transit involving Mars (of course) that we should be paying attention to is the triple conjunction between him, the North Node, and Uranus happening in early August. This transit can be tricky in many ways, but given the involvement with the North Node, things can be somewhat concerning. This transit will be happening in the Taurus/Scorpio axis, which deals with physicality and pleasure. Especially considering this will still be Summer, August should be a month to pay extra attention to your sexual health. This will be a time where careless actions are much more likely to be castigated. This is an area of human health that the general public often overlooked, so stay safe and don't make any decisions you'll regret later. You should take this advice to heart, especially if you're Sagittarius ascendant and were born during the day.

As much as this report might've sounded slightly gloomy, health is a thing that is individualized and will depend both on your personal care routine and your own chart. These are only some of the times where mishaps are more prone to happen throughout the year. Still, overall, things are starting to ramp up as far as global health is concerned. With all that out of the way, best of luck in 2022.

Health Horoscope 2022 by Zodiac sign

March 21 - April 20
Aries 2022

Health Horoscope 2022 for natives of the Aries sign compiled for the period of the 2022 year of the Black Tiger.

April 21 - May 21
Taurus 2022

Health Horoscope 2022 for natives of the Taurus sign compiled for the period of the 2022 year of the Black Tiger.

May 22 - June 21
Gemini 2022

Health Horoscope 2022 for natives of the Gemini sign compiled for the period of the 2022 year of the Black Tiger.

June 22 - July 22
Cancer 2022

Health Horoscope 2022 for natives of the Cancer sign compiled for the period of the 2022 year of the Black Tiger.

July 23 - August 23
Leo 2022

Health Horoscope 2022 for natives of the Leo sign compiled for the period of the 2022 year of the Black Tiger.

August 24 - September 22
Virgo 2022

Health Horoscope 2022 for natives of the Virgo sign compiled for the period of the 2022 year of the Black Tiger.

September 23 - October 22
Libra 2022

Health Horoscope 2022 for natives of the Libra sign compiled for the period of the 2022 year of the Black Tiger.

October 23 - November 21
Scorpio 2022

Health Horoscope 2022 for natives of the Scorpio sign compiled for the period of the 2022 year of the Black Tiger.

November 22 - December 21
Sagittarius 2022

Health Horoscope 2022 for natives of the Sagittarius sign compiled for the period of the 2022 year of the Black Tiger.

December 22 - January 20
Capricorn 2022

Health Horoscope 2022 for natives of the Capricorn sign compiled for the period of the 2022 year of the Black Tiger.

January 21 - February 19
Aquarius 2022

Health Horoscope 2022 for natives of the Aquarius sign compiled for the period of the 2022 year of the Black Tiger.

February 20 - March 20
Pisces 2022

Health Horoscope 2022 for natives of the Pisces sign compiled for the period of the 2022 year of the Black Tiger.

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