Work Horoscope 2022

Work Horoscope 2022

From the perspective of astrology, things are on a significant upswing towards change when it comes to the global state of employment. While there certainly are many auspicious aspects happening this year, the signature of the year really continues to be the Uranus transit through Taurus, reinventing how we approach our resources and collect them. This year we have the last of the Saturn squares with Uranus later in October, so until we get there, if you pay attention to the subtle energies of the heavens, you will feel like you're slowly moving towards something you've never seen before. Predicting this last square's outcome can be difficult, and it varies significantly from chart to chart. However, luckily enough, we will have some support from Jupiter to help us get acclimated to this new world.

Jupiter's job is not just to bring some good luck, however. This planet is also the archetype of abundance and paying attention to the sign that it resides can give hints of where to find this affluence. Interestingly, 2022 has Jupiter in 2 different signs. The earlier is Pisces, unlocking the doors to our deepest desires and motivation. But then, the Great Benefic progresses to Aries, inviting us to define what purpose and fulfillment for ourselves, without anyone else's interposition. What this can mean for the workforce is that we might continue to see an increase of online, remote, and independent workers coming up. Aries is all about the self and identity, so this 1 year-long transit could be pushing us to become even more independent than we already are as we ascertain how to monetize just being. Whether you like it or not, Influencing will continue to grow as a field, and 2022 might just be the chance for you to hop on the bandwagon.

April is perhaps the most pivotal month for any form of advancement. Especially if we continue to observe the Uranus process of remoulding social norms, the Taurus New Moon conjunct with Uranus can trigger new developments in the food industry as well as farming and cultivation. This could be a promising lunation for people who work in that field or at least those who rely on the area to do business—which, given the salience of consumables, is most of us. While this lunation is also supported by both of the benefics (Venus and Jupiter), bringing good fortune and lucrative results, considering this lunation is close enough to the nodes to form an eclipse, could have its complications. Watch out for over-eagerness. The future might look promising, but overspeeding might get you in some trouble. Double-check any business agreements and contracts.

Continuing with the Uranus extravaganza—I did say he's the star of the year— the triple conjunction of Mars, Uranus, and the North Node can be harsh on the same advancements that happened as a result of the Taurus New Moon. This is a transit that can trigger issues with crops, resources, and especially internet-reliant assets such as cryptocurrency, online marketplaces, etc. With that in mind— without panicking, of course— it would be wise to prepare for some level of disruption.

On a positive note, shortly after this doomsday transit, the Venus Cazimi in Libra can help bring people together to solve some of the issues consequential to Uranus' fits. This transit makes October a good month for dealing with contracts and matters with the law. Lawyers, social workers, salespeople, and public motivators can all expect some positive results around this month. The Cazimi will be opposed by Jupiter, who will continue to transit Aries in retrograde, but this opposition might only be a minor nuisance coming from boisterous characters. With that said, this can open the way for some mild disagreements with people popular in the fields mentioned above or those similar.

For the rest of the year, the transits diminish in tenacity considerably. You can expect the last quarter to be the quieter out of the bunch. Take the time to get used to the many curveballs Uranus threw at your over the year, and plan for 2023 with at least a touch more predictability. From there on, the goal will be to solidify the advancements and correct the mishaps of the year coming up. Best of luck, and buckle up!

Work Horoscope 2022 by Zodiac sign

March 21 - April 20
Aries 2022

Work Horoscope 2022 for natives of the Aries sign compiled for the period of the 2022 year of the Black Tiger.

April 21 - May 21
Taurus 2022

Work Horoscope 2022 for natives of the Taurus sign compiled for the period of the 2022 year of the Black Tiger.

May 22 - June 21
Gemini 2022

Work Horoscope 2022 for natives of the Gemini sign compiled for the period of the 2022 year of the Black Tiger.

June 22 - July 22
Cancer 2022

Work Horoscope 2022 for natives of the Cancer sign compiled for the period of the 2022 year of the Black Tiger.

July 23 - August 23
Leo 2022

Work Horoscope 2022 for natives of the Leo sign compiled for the period of the 2022 year of the Black Tiger.

August 24 - September 22
Virgo 2022

Work Horoscope 2022 for natives of the Virgo sign compiled for the period of the 2022 year of the Black Tiger.

September 23 - October 22
Libra 2022

Work Horoscope 2022 for natives of the Libra sign compiled for the period of the 2022 year of the Black Tiger.

October 23 - November 21
Scorpio 2022

Work Horoscope 2022 for natives of the Scorpio sign compiled for the period of the 2022 year of the Black Tiger.

November 22 - December 21
Sagittarius 2022

Work Horoscope 2022 for natives of the Sagittarius sign compiled for the period of the 2022 year of the Black Tiger.

December 22 - January 20
Capricorn 2022

Work Horoscope 2022 for natives of the Capricorn sign compiled for the period of the 2022 year of the Black Tiger.

January 21 - February 19
Aquarius 2022

Work Horoscope 2022 for natives of the Aquarius sign compiled for the period of the 2022 year of the Black Tiger.

February 20 - March 20
Pisces 2022

Work Horoscope 2022 for natives of the Pisces sign compiled for the period of the 2022 year of the Black Tiger.

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Work Horoscope 2022

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