This week in astrology: June 22 - 28, 2013

Monday is a big day in the Cosmos. The Sun is entering its own sign of royal Leo. Leo is a warm, loving, encouraging, generous energy. Leo loves fun and is very much in touch with the inner child., happy to shine its light. So have some fun. Smile, splash around, stare at the clouds. Get out in the world, be social. Putting yourself out there will come more naturally this month so don't hesitate. With the Sun in Leo you can open up that heart of yours. Be romantic, brave and authentic. You will feel a need to express yourself-follow that desire. All kinds of simple pleasure can be had this month of Leo. Remember if you are happy now, in the present moment, you attract more happy to you. So invest in people and situations that bring out the best in you.

Also on Monday Mars, planet if action is joining forces with Jupiter. Expect expansion. This could be good if it connects nicely in your own chart, or possibly difficult. Perhaps you completely fly off the handle about something. It's likely that this situation has been an irritation for awhile, and just as Jupiter and Mars align you finally release the repressed feelings, almost as if you had no conscious control over shouting out the truth. Or, you may find yourself with endless energy, and vast and valuable visions pointing you towards ambitious futures. Astrology is really most telling in retrospect. All we can do is have a feel for what might come up- this is what prepares us. Preparation is smart.

More on Monday, Fair Venus will slide on into Virgo. Virgo energy is here to serve us. To assist in ways that we did not know we needed assistance. Virgo sees. You may find you feel more critical towards your relationships, or even toward your own values. Perhaps you question your need for pricey items when the cheaper version makes so much more sense. With Venus in Virgo you can make great strides in your personal care regimes. Now you might suddenly see how valuable your health is. In fact, so much more so than wealth. Now until the middle of August you can make transformative beginnings. New lifestyle choices will more easily stick-You are evolving and so is your body. Follow your hunches.

Last,but not least, on Monday is a beautiful super full moon in Aquarius. Aquarius energy is rebellious, uniquely individual and wonderfully humanitarian. There is very detached outlook with Aquarius this will assist you in cutting loose those situations and people that are not for your greater good. This does not need to be a dramatic change, rather more pragmatic. A lovely change for the emotionally inclined. Emotions can really cloud things up. Now you can see a little clearer. This Uranus ruled Full moon can really shake things up. Be prepared for sudden unexpected change. Keep your eyes open and be ready for opportunity. It could be a simple opportunity to align your life with the truth of how you feel. Take the time to connect with your higher self. Look within for guidance about what needs to be released. This is a liberating Moon. Be Free!

Friday Venus is in a bit of push pull with the great dissolver Neptune- relationships might be a bit of an issue. What you want is not the reality. This or that and either or situations are making an appearance. It could be you are being given an ultimatum. Like it's the booze or me, or the TV or me, or the cigarettes or me. That sort of thing. Neptune can be addictive, a need to escape the harsh reality of the real world. It's obviously best to choose the loved one if such an ultimatum is presented to you. With a wonderful supportive sextile between Stern Saturn and Venus this same day you will have the discipline and ambition needed to overcome any drain on your energy.

Saturday is a tricky day full of difficult aspects. Squares are tricky to maneuver to say the least. The Moon squares: Mercury, Mars, Jupiter and Pluto. I imagine that will feel pretty tense for all of us. It's the sort of day you would do well to stay in bed and have a favorite show marathon. Saturn and the Sun are also in a square. You might just feel total crap this day. Or maybe you get a lot done. Squares are great for growth. But not breezy, it just occurred to me growth, more like facing your shadow and moving through your fear type growing.

This week has a lot going on. And, I imagine so will you. Remember that you are being supported even when that is not so obvious. Seek Joy and you will come to Joy. It requires focus and the choice to keep moving in the direction of your heart's desire. This month's Leo sun will show you clearly what that desire is. Enjoy the discovery of it all. Life is exciting. Greatness is born.
The text This week starts with a Super full moon in Aquarius. is a property of Goto horoscope Com. And belong to category Free Astrology Predictions
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